


Случайная статья

1. Watch the Peppa Pig At the Beach Episode / ПосмотримультфильмСвинкаПеппанапляже


Peppa Pig. At the beach

1. Watch the Peppa Pig At the Beach Episode / ПосмотримультфильмСвинкаПеппанапляже


2. Watch and learn beach vocabulary. Listenandnumber/ Посмотри и запомни словапо теме «Пляж». Поставь цифры в правильном порядке






3. Fill in the gaps / заполнипропуски

beach    straw hat   spades buckets sandcastles sporty ball

1. Peppa and her family are going tothe ………………

2. Let's try out this …………………………!

3. Peppa, George, would you like toplay with your ……… and ………?

4. Please, can I have my ……………………?

5. Peppa and George are making …………………………!


4. True (T) – false (F) Circletherightanswer / Правда – неправда Обведите правильный ответ: T – если предложение верно, F – если неверно

1. Mummy Pig has got a lot of stuff in her beach bag T /F  

2. Peppa and George don’t need sun creamT /F

3. George can’t catch the ball because he is too little   T /F  

4. George looks silly in his water wings                  T /F

5. The water in the sea is lovely and warm             T /F

6. When they want to leave the beach, they almost forget their towelsT /F

7. George remembers about Daddy PigT /F

5. What are they doing? Make sentences. UsePresentContinuous/ Чтоониделают? Составь предложения. Используй PresentContinuous.

Peppa and George / burry/ Daddy Pig/ in the sand _______________________________
Peppa and George/ make/ sand castles _______________________________
Daddy Pig/ sleep _______________________________
They / splash/ in/ the/sea _______________________________
They / go/ to/ the/beach _______________________________


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