Peppa Pig. Shopping. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=138&v=YPUS1LWg3jg&feature=emb_logoСтр 1 из 7Следующая ⇒ Peppa Pig. Shopping https: //www. youtube. com/watch? time_continue=138& v=YPUS1LWg3jg& feature=emb_logo 1)What can you buy in the supermarket? Match.
2)Fill in the gaps. Use can or can’t. Who says it? 1. ______________ I sit in the trolley too? 2. You ______________help with the shopping. 3. I ______________see tomatoes! 4. I ______________ remember what is on the list. 5. ______________ you remember, George? 6. George, you ______________ choose the fruit. 3)Complete the shopping list.