Tanuló neve:… Születési ideje:….Tanuló neve: …………………………… Szü leté si ideje: …………………... ANGOL FELVÉ TELI 2007. februá r 23. A kö vetkező feladatsor megoldá sá ra 60 perc á ll rendelkezé sre. Ü gyelj arra, hogy az utolsó feladatokra is maradjon elegendő idő d! Jó munká t kí vá nunk.
1. Kariká zd be a helyes megoldá s betű jelé t!
A grapes B onion C cabbage D garlic
A house B cap C ship D horse
A three B tree C free D there
A farmers B jars C troubles D jeans
A engine B engineer C mechanical D machine
A in the hall B in the bedroom C in the bathroom D in the garage
A in the garden B in the wardrobe C in the loo D in the garage
A gloves B boots C shoes D trainers
A chess B check C cheque D cash
A fast B slow C good D happy 5/ 2. Í rd a mondatok elejé re a megfelelő ké rdő szó t, majd í rd a vonalra a hozzá tartozó vá lasz betű jelé t! How / How long / How many / How much / How old / What / What time / Where / Who / Why
1. ………. brothers have you got? ….. a. She is 67. 2. ………. does your mother get up? ….. b. Peter 3. ………. are these jeans? ….. c. Because I lost my cat. 4. ………. are you so unhappy? ….. d. Two. 5. ………. is your English lesson? ….. e. By bike. 6. ………. do you come from? ….. f. £ 20. 50 7. ………. do you have in your bag? ….. g. At 7 o’clock. 8. ………. is your grandmother? ….. h. My keys and two books. 9. ………. do you go to school? ….. i. 45 minutes. 10. ……….. is your best friend? ….. j. Hungary. 10/ 3. Alkoss mondatokat a megadott szavakbó l! (Minden szó t haszná lj fel! ) 1. comes / late / often / she / home ……………………………………………………………………………….. 2. the / is / Coca-Cola / most / in / drink / popular / why / India ………………………………………………………………………………..? 3. that / did / Bill / like / the / not / said / he / party ……………………………………………………………………………….. 4. left / boys / the / together / house / the ……………………………………………………………………………….. 5. been / how / in / holiday / has / on / Italy / she / long ………………………………………………………………………………..? 5/