Adjiadar cave.. Fersman cave.. Kan-i-Gut cave ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Adjiadar cave.
The place is known as one of the largest accumulations of bat colonies. The name is connected with the ancient legend of the dragon dwelling in the cave and departing travelers going on the road below the cave.
The total length of the cave is 110 meters and is located 1. 5 km away from the pass Tuya-Muyun, on the southern slope of Tuya-Muyun.
Fersman cave. One of the deepest caves in Kyrgyzstan, has been known since ancient times as a place of extraction of copper, and in Soviet times, first radium and uranium, has a mixed system of natural and artificial passages
Natural redundant system moves in the sum is 350 meters with a depth of 240 meters. Location caves 0. 5 km east of the pass Tuya-Muyun, on the crest of the array.
4 th route The Thurkestan mountain range, limestone spure Maidan-Thay. Kan-i-Gut cave
The legendary cave Kan-i-Gut ( the mine of death, the mine disappearance and destriction) is a special place among ancient mines in the Central Asia, because lead silver and iron were mined there from VI till XI centries that’s why the cave acquired a great system of tangled passage ways halls much have a big historical, archeological and sports, speleological interest. A lof legends were written about that cave, about its huge length, and golden camel with diamond eyes, lying in one of the cave’s cavity. It was fold in the legends that convicted for death were thrown into that cave and they werte promised to he alive if they got out of the cave with the treasures as in the tale “Alladin and a magic lamp”. That cave is the biggest underground cavity in Kyrghystan. It’s in the limestone spur Maidan-Thay. The sput is located in 16 km in north-west from Samarkandyk village.