Ashkhona cave.
Speleology is one of most interesting and young sciences, and also it is a kind of extreme sports. In general speleology is a science a subject of which research of caves. The word speleology has taken place from the Greek word: speleon -cave. Also it was offered in 1880 by french speleologist Emil Rivera de Prekur. Kyrgyzstan is just that place, where speleology has the large prospects for development as very many areas are investigated superficially. Other feature of Kyrghyz caves is that they represent the special interest in speleological point of view. It is necessary to mention, that cave dwellings which have been found out in Sasyk Unkur, Unkur Komar caves, Ohninskaya hollow, the mountains of Suleyman concern to paleolit; dwellings of Tash Kumyr and Obshir caves to mezolit; dwellings of Ak Chunkur and Teke Sekirik caves to neolit. Also very interesting in this aspect are others some other caves, among them Ashkhona, Besh Unkur, Chil Ustun etc. There are caves of huge size In mountain territory of Kyrgyzstan. An entrance there is accessible only to the professionals, it is the longest system of Kann i Gut. It's length is more than 3000 meters; Fersman cavity is the deepest cave of Kyrgyzstan, downwards for 240 meters); Pobednaya cave with the most ramified system of courses (total length 1500 meters). In vicinities of the city of Osh there are also many interesting caves, about some of which was told above. For visiting the majority from them it is not required of special preparation and climbing equipment, and the way to them takes less than one day. First two routes pass on a road Osh - Aravan and basically include caves of mountains Chil Mayrama and Chil Ustuna (so-called Osh mountains, about 20 km from Osh). The third route is slightly further and situated in the area Tuya Muyun road (Danga gorge, 5км to north - east from Noukat). The 4th route represents separate regions in the Batken region and in the Kan-i-Gut cave.
The 1st route - Chil Ustun mountain.
Snake cave. It was discovered in the second half of sixtieth by well-known at that time journalist and writer Dyadyuchenlo L. Many people associate the name of this cave with the snakes, living directly in the cave, however any snakes in " Snake" simply is not present. The name occurs from the characteristic form courses; they are on the plan (look at the map). Because they are similar to twisting snakes.
Snake cave is located on the southern slope of a mountain Chil Ustun, in 19 kms from Osh city. The length of Snake cave is 180 meters, depth is 30 meters.
Ashkhona cave. The cave is known for a long time, and its name is connected with bury traditions inside it. In literal translation " Ashkhona" means the room of recalling. Also Ashkhona is known by arheological finds.
The depth is not more than15 meters and itis located located in 3, 5км from Aravan town, on a southern slope of Chil Ustun mountain. The length of the cave is 123 meters.
The 2nd route - Chil Ustun mountain.
Chil Ustun cave. It is one of the most beautiful caves in Central Asia, and the most attractive place for numerous speleotourists. This cave was popular at the end of the19th century, at that times it was known under the name " Kurumbay Ata " or famous Aravan cave. The name Chil Ustun in translation from Tadjik means " forty poles " . Except for others caves, Chil ustun is accessible only in late spring and application of climbing equipment is required. One get into its most beautiful and biggest hall overcoming several difficult holes. But then you are rewarded by the scenery of the fantastic world of plates of drapery and curtains, slim like stems of flowers edged columns. The caveа is located on a southern slope of Chil Ustun mountain, 3, 5 km from Aravan. Total length of horizontal extending cave is 380 meters.
The 3rd route - Danga gorge (Tuya- Muyun mountain).
Large Baritovaya cave. It became widely known due to deposits of a useful barit mineral, whichwas founded out in the first half of the 20th century by well - known Soviet mineralogyst Fersman. The cave is located in 1, 5 km from mountain system, on a southern slope of Tuya Muyun mountain. The length of the cavity is 186 meters and the depth it 48 meters.
Surprise cave. It is a very suitable name for this cave, because the narrow courses unexpectedly lead to an extensive cavity, decorated by minerals with impurity of barit and calcium. The cave is located in 1, 5 kms to the north from Kara Kokhta downtoun, on the right side of Aravan Say river. The length is 360 meters, depth is 40 meters.