Licensing Agreement. Terms and Conditions. Signed and Agreed Signed and Agreed ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Licensing Agreement Terms and Conditions
Licensee: Pepper Cat (Goltsov Maxim, Friendship street 10/32, apartment 113, Moscow, Russia) Licensors: Alisultanov Zakir Alibekovich (Third passage 3-6 Pine index Kostroma, Russia. 156008) Artists: 1) Zakir Confirmed Tracks: 1) Ruhi (Original Mix) Territory: The World Exclusive for Term of Copyright Royalties: 50 %of Net Receipts on 3rd Party Licensing and Downloads
Accounting: Twice Yearly, 30 Days after Dec 31st and Jun 30th Note: If amount have not reached minimum (50 euros) will be carried on next statement Track Release: To be released within 365 days of the date on this signed agreement or the track reverts back to the Licensor.
Mechanical Rights: 100% to Licensee
Master Rights: The Licensor grants the Licensee the right to the Masters, to gain manufacturing licenses and to be able to fully exploit the track to the best of the Licensee’s ability to benefit both the Licensee and the Licensor in all territories worldwide.
Publishing Rights: 100% to Licensee
Performance Rights: 100% for each party from the relevant organizations who collect on there behalf
Indemnity: Licensor warrant’s that the recording is free of all third party claims including without limitation all sample claims.
Signed and Agreed Signed and Agreed Maxim Goltsov Alisultanov Zakir 16. 05. 2016