Calisthenics. Street Workout and Calisthenics. Gate and running. Running. jogger. jogging. ! time keeps jogging on
bodyweight exercises
| strength training exercises that require only the individual's own weight (which provides resistance against gravity)
| sit-up (or curl-up) and crunch
| is an abdominal endurance training exercise commonly performed to strengthen and tone the abdominal muscles
| push-up (or press-up)
| отжимание
| pull-up
| подтягивание
| muscle-up
| advanced strength training exercise. It is a combination routine of a radial pull-up followed by a dip. Variations exist for the rings and the bar.
| Plyometrics, (jump training) or " plyos"
| are exercises in which muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time
| Front lever
| is performed by lowering from an inverted hang until the body is completely horizontal and straight
| Handstand
| is the act of supporting the body in a stable, inverted vertical position by balancing on the hands.
Street Workout and Calisthenics
street workout routine consists of:
| Athletics exercising
| a system of exercises with various levels of exertion provided for health strengthening, development of strength and stamina (выносливость), as well as for shaping an athletic constitution.
| Isometric exercises
| a form of exercise involving the static contraction of a muscle without any visible movement in the angle of the joint.
| Calisthenics
| is a complex of many simple exercises which are performed using purely body weight.
| Urban calisthenics
| a form of body weight exercise performed with no or little apparatus
Gate and running
| Ходьба - is the pattern of movement of the limbs during locomotion over a solid substrate
| is a type of gait. The term running can refer to any of a variety of speeds ranging from jogging to sprinting.
| Jog, n
| Медленный монотонный бег
| Jog, v
| Бегать медленно и монотонно
| recovery jog
| восстановительный бег трусцой
| warm up jog
| разминочный бег трусцой
| A person who jogs regularly
| бег трусцой;
a form of trotting or running at a slow or leisurely pace
| jogging path
| дорожка для бега трусцой
| jogging shoes
| кроссовки
| jogging suit
| спортивный тренировочный костюм
| jogging route
| маршрут для бега трусцой
| easy jogging
| бег лёгким, пружинистым шагом
! time keeps jogging on
| время тянется
| ! brain jogging
| гимнастика для ума
| The definition of jogging as compared with running is not standard.
One definition describes jogging as running slower than 10 km/h.
Running is sometimes defined as requiring a moment of no contact to the ground,
whereas jogging often sustains the contact.
Jogging is also distinguished from running by having a wider lateral spacing of foot strikes, creating side-to-side movement that likely adds stability at slower speeds or when coordination is lacking.
| Jogtrot
| - run at a slow, regular speed. Midway between a walk and a trot
- a monotonous or regular way of living or doing something
| brisk walking
| Быстрая ходьба
| nordic walking
| скандинавская ходьба
| Saunter
| Прогулка take an evening saunter
| saunter away time
| бесцельно растрачивать время
| saunter idly
| слоняться по улицам
| slow pace
| медленная ходьба
| " runner's high"
| Эйфория бегуна
| treadmill
| Бегущая дорожка
| | | |
aerial yoga
= Anti-Gravity yoga
| a form of exercise that combines traditional yoga with the use of special hanging straps and strips of cloth to support you off the ground:
Aerial yoga is a complementary workout that targets different muscles
| multigym
| a machine on which you can do several different exercises to keep your body fit, or a room in which several different exercise machines can be used
| t'ai chi
| form of exercise involving slow movements of body, originally done in China
| ChiRunning
| is a form of running influenced by t'ai chi
| therapeutic physical training room кабинет лечебной физкультуры
| regime of physical training режим физической подготовки
| physical training test тест по физической подготовке
Diseases of affluence
opp. to “Diseases of poverty”
| is a term sometimes given to selected diseases and other health conditions which are commonly thought to be a result of increasing wealth in a society
| Sedentary lifestyle
| is a type of lifestyle with little or no physical activity
| Screen time
| is the amount of time spent using a device such as a computer, television, or video game console
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