Modern technology in medicine.Стр 1 из 4Следующая ⇒ Modern technology in medicine. Infinitive. Functions of Infinitive. Typeof the lesson: Theoretical, combined. Aims of the lesson: Presentation of the new material. 1. Learning: to introduce students to the vocabulary, fluency logical thinking, to discover for themselves from the context sometimes confusing rules connected with your grammar. 2. Developing: to develop students’ reading abilities, to practice intensive reading, to practice matching the meaning of an unknown words, to practice pronunciation, to provide an opportunity for free speaking. 3. Bringing up: to enlarge students’ interest in learning foreign language. Methods: Cooperation method, individual work, work with posters. Inter subject connection: Kazakh and Russian languages. The visual aids, distributing materials: computer, projector, an interactive board, slides with vocabulary, text, grammar table and exercises.
The course of the lesson Organization stage: 1. Greeting: Good morning (afternoon), students. 2. Classroom expression: Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What date is it today? What day is it today? What is the weather like today? What was your home task? 3. Aims of the lesson. 4. Questioning and checking the home task. 5. Presentation of the new material. Plan Match the beginnings and the endings of the proverbs
An apple a day / is above wealth Good health / makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise Early to bed early to rise / keeps the doctor away
Fill in the chart; compare the ways of treating in Kazakhstan and in the USA