6. Путьвыглядитувсехпоразномуновсегданаходитсяв- Way always bit different but contain same things - %appdata% Local/Temp/…/Contrlib/ExtProgs/DatPackСтр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒
How to install CAM 2 on modern systems 2018 (windows 10)
Как установить мод cam 2 на simcity 4 для современных ОС 2018 (windows 10) Павел Перковhttps: //vk. com/fluttershy174
1. Download mod install and dlls folder / скачайтепапкусбиблиотекамииустановочникмода
Dlls - https: //drive. google. com/drive/folders/1cG7sWll6QxkrNji5qMKEq41aLTjmV116? usp=sharing Mod - http: //sc4devotion. com/csxlex/lex_filedesc. php? lotGET=3335
2. Start install / запускаем установку
3. Standardinstallway/выбираем стандартный путь установки 4. Choosemodvariant – Idon’treadcarefullyallaspectsbutrecommendCAMextendedorStandart
5. When you click install and see this notepad – don’t do anything!
6. Путьвыглядитувсехпоразномуновсегданаходитсяв- Way always bit different but contain same things - %appdata% Local/Temp/……/Contrlib/ExtProgs/DatPack
Find right way as in install window log -
7. Finally I locate this folder I have nsfc009. tmp folder –you shoud have another but with same files Copy all dllfiles from folder that you have downloaded from my google drive to this folder
8. Open notepad windows – read instructions from it and conture setup