Conclusion. References ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 8 из 8 Conclusion The results of performed research allow to conclude the following: production of marketable ammophos with content of assimilablephospholic anhydride – 53. 56%, nitrogen – 11. 68%, zinc – 0. 33%, and also humic acid – 10-15% is possible on the basis of mixture of phosphorus sludge and cottrell dust in ratio 2: 1, using for their decomposition the 30% water solution of ammonia sulphate and humic acid, at temperature 60oC degrees and optimal duration of the process equal to 60 minutes; dry residue, derived after the filtration stage has in its composition: phosphor – 5. 81% (in terms of P2O5– 13. 31%, including P2O5 assimilable – 13. 25%, P2O5 water-soluble – 4. 75%), nitrogen – 4. 75%, humic acid 7-10%, which corresponds to the composition of ammoniated superphosphatel; initial humic acid, used in the process of decomposition of phosphatic secondary raw materials, is a highly effective substitute of expensive and aggressive mineral acids – sulphuric and nitric; humic acid in the composition of ammophos and ammoniated superphosphate will perform the role of organo-mineral additive, contributing to soil structure improvement; at the same time the humic acid will act as a plant protective composition against blasts and plant diseases.
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