A Morning Prayer. Love is like a morning prayer. Let me ever know. Have you got a special way. To create your own?. Love is here, love is there. For the king and pawn. If you need some kind of prayer. Let me be the one. Love is just a secret song. Sacred ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 A Morning Prayer
Love is like a morning prayer Let me ever know Have you got a special way To create your own? Love is here, love is there For the king and pawn If you need some kind of prayer Let me be the one Love is just a secret song Sacred word’s on every tongue Little bird had sung Let me spell my own Love is chance to give birth to An immortal soul Gentle word of giant Earth Turning round the world Out of mouth and high above Getting down my knee I believe in God is Love Thou believe in me. 25 May 2009