Geographical Position. Nature of Australia. Population and Cities. Attractions in AustraliaСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Geographical Position Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent. It is the sixth large country and the smallest continent. The capital of the country is Canberra. The official language is English. Nature of Australia Australia is the driest continent on the Earth. The unique climate and the isolation of Australia from other continents explain the existence of unusual plants and animals. The commonest tree of Australia is the eucalyptus. In the drier areas there is the Australian acacia or mimosa. In those areas one can also find strange bottle trees. They preserve water in their trunks. Australian animals are also very unusual. Among them there are kangaroos, duck-bills, koala bears, and others. Population and Cities Australian population is about 23 million people. The natives of the country are called Aborigines. Now they comprise a very small part of the country’s population due to the former extrusion of the indigenous people in the past. There are 5 big cities in Australia: Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane. Canberra was specially planned as a capital. All the government buildings are situated there. Sydney is the oldest and largest city in Australia. It is a big industrial centre. About 5 million people live in the city. Attractions in Australia Australia has a lot to offer to tourists. The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system composed of over 2, 900 individual reefs and 900 islands. The most famous building in the country is the Sydney Opera House. Its roof looks like sails. It is a masterpiece of architecture. More than 5, 000 people can visit concerts, operas, theatre performances and other events.