DARK REUNION 5 страницаIn the car, Meredith said, " Where next? " " I need to test a theory, " said Stefan briefly. " That the killer is a vampire? " Matt said from the back, where he sat with Bonnie. Stefan glanced at him sharply. " Yes. " " That's why you told Vickie not to invite anyone in, " Meredith added, not to be outdone in the reasoning department. Vampires, Bonnie remembered, couldn't enter a place where humans lived and slept unless they were invited. " And that's why you asked if the man was wearing a blue stone. " " An amulet against daylight, " Stefan said, spreading his right hand. On the third finger there was a silver ring set with lapis lazuli. " Without one of these, direct exposure to the sun kills us. If the murderer is a vampire, he keeps a stone like this somewhere on him. " As if by instinct, Stefan reached up to briefly touch something under his T-shirt. After a moment Bonnie realized what it must be. Elena's ring. Stefan had given it to her in the first place, and after she died he'd taken it to wear on a chain around his neck. So that part of her would be with him always, he'd said. When Bonnie looked at Matt beside her, she saw his eyes were closed. " So how can we tell if he's a vampire? " Meredith asked. " There's only one way I can think of, and it isn't very pleasant. But it's got to be done. " Bonnie's heart sank. If Stefan thought it wasn't very pleasant, she was sure she was going to find it even less so. " What is it? " she said unenthusiastically. " I need to get a look at Sue's body. " There was dead silence. Even Meredith, normally so unflappable, looked appalled. Matt turned away, leaning his forehead against the window glass. " You've got to be kidding, " Bonnie said. " I wish I were. " " But—for God's sake, Stefan. We can't. They won't let us. I mean, what are we going to say? 'Excuse me while I examine this corpse for holes'? " " Bonnie, stop it, " Meredith said. " I can't help it, " Bonnie snapped back shakily. " It's an awful idea. And besides, the police already checked her body. There wasn't a mark on it except the cuts she got in the fall. " " The police don't know what to look for, " Stefan said. His voice was steely. Hearing it brought something home to Bonnie, something she tended to forget. Stefan was one of them. One of the hunters. He'd seen dead people before. He might even have killed some. He drinks blood, she thought, and shuddered. " Well? " said Stefan. " Are you still with me? " Bonnie tried to make herself small in the backseat. Meredith's hands were tight on the steering wheel. It was Matt who spoke, turning back from the window. " We don't have a choice, do we? " he said tiredly. " There's a viewing of the body from seven to ten at the funeral home, " Meredith added, her voice low. " We'll have to wait until after the viewing, then. After they close the funeral home, when we can be alone with her, " said Stefan.
" This is the most gruesome thing I've ever had to do, " Bonnie whispered wretchedly. The funeral chapel was dark and cold. Stefan had sprung the locks on the outside door with a thin piece of flexible metal. The viewing room was thickly carpeted, its walls covered with somber oak panels. It would have been a depressing place even with the lights on. In the dark it seemed close and suffocating and crowded with grotesque shapes. It looked as if someone might be crouching behind each of the many standing flower arrangements. " I don't want to be here, " Bonnie moaned. " Let's just get it over with, okay? " Matt said through his teeth. When he snapped the flashlight on, Bonnie looked anywhere but where it was pointing. She didn't want to see the coffin, she didn't. She stared at the flowers, at a heart made of pink roses. Outside, thunder grumbled like a sleeping animal. " Let me get this open—here, " Stefan was saying. In spite of her resolve not to, Bonnie looked. The casket was white, lined with pale pink satin. Sue's blond hair shone against it like the hair of a sleeping princess in a fairy tale. But Sue didn't look as if she were sleeping. She was too pale, too still. Like a waxwork. Bonnie crept closer, her eyes fixed on Sue's face. That's why it's so cold in here, she told herself staunchly. To keep the wax from melting. It helped a little. Stefan reached down to touch Sue's high-necked pink blouse. He undid the top button. " For God's sake, " Bonnie whispered, outraged. " What do you think we're here for? " Stefan hissed back. But his fingers paused on the second button. Bonnie watched a minute and then made her decision. " Get out of the way, " she said, and when Stefan didn't move immediately, she gave him a shove. Meredith drew up close to her and they formed a phalanx between Sue and the boys. Their eyes met with understanding. If they had to actually remove the blouse, the guys were going out. Bonnie undid the small buttons while Meredith held the light. Sue's skin felt as waxy as it looked, cool against her fingertips. Awkwardly, she folded the blouse back to reveal a lacy white slip. Then she made herself push Sue's shining gold hair off the pale neck. The hair was stiff with spray. " No holes, " she said, looking at Sue's throat. She was proud that her voice was almost steady. " No, " said Stefan oddly. " But there's something else. Look at this. " Gently, he reached around Bonnie to point out a cut, pale and bloodless as the skin around it, but visible as a faint line running from collarbone to breast. Over the heart. Stefan's long finger traced the air above it and Bonnie stiffened, ready to smack the hand away if he touched. " What is it? " asked Meredith, puzzled. " A mystery, " Stefan said. His voice was still odd. " If I saw a mark like that on a vampire, it would mean the vampire was giving blood to a human. That's how it's done. Human teeth can't pierce our skin, so we cut ourselves if we want to share blood. But Sue wasn't a vampire. " " She certainly wasn't! " said Bonnie. She tried to fight off the image her mind wanted to show her, of Elena bending to a cut like that on Stefan's chest and sucking, drinking… She shuddered and realized her eyes were shut. " Is there anything else you need to see? " she said, opening them. " No. That's all. " Bonnie did up the buttons. She rearranged Sue's hair. Then, while Meredith and Stefan eased the lid of the casket back down, she walked quickly out of the viewing room and to the outside door. She stood there, arms wrapped around herself. A hand touched her elbow lightly. It was Matt. " You're tougher than you look, " he said. " Yes, well…" She tried to shrug. And then suddenly she was crying, crying hard. Matt put his arms around her. " I know, " he said. Just that. Not " Don't cry" or " Take it easy" or " Everything's going to be all right. " Just " I know. " His voice was as desolate as she felt. " They've got hair spray in her hair, " she sobbed. " Sue never used hair spray. It's awful. " Somehow, just then, this seemed the worst thing of all. He simply held her. After a while Bonnie got her breath. She found she was holding on to Matt almost painfully tightly and loosened her arms. " I got your shirt all wet, " she said apologetically, sniffling. " It doesn't matter. " Something in his voice made her step back and look at him. He looked the way he had in the high school parking lot. So lost, so… hopeless. " Matt, what is it? " she whispered. " Please. " " I told you already, " he said. He was looking away into some immeasurable distance. " Sue's lying in there dead, and she shouldn't be. You said it yourself, Bonnie. What kind of world is it that lets a thing like that happen? That lets a girl like Sue get murdered for kicks, or kids in Afghanistan starve, or baby seals get skinned alive? If that's what the world is like, what does anything matter? It's all over anyway. " He paused and seemed to come back to himself. " Do you understand what I'm talking about? " " I'm not so sure. " Bonnie didn't even think she wanted to. It was too scary. But she was overwhelmed by an urge to comfort him, to wipe that lost look from his eyes. " Matt, I—" " We're finished, " Stefan said from behind them. As Matt looked toward the voice the lost look seemed to intensify. " Sometimes I think we're all finished, " Matt said, moving away from Bonnie, but he didn't explain what he meant by that. " Let's go. " Seven Stefan approached the corner house reluctantly, almost afraid of what he might find. He half expected that Damon would have abandoned his post by now. He'd probably been an idiot to rely on Damon in the first place. But when he reached the backyard, there was a shimmer of motion among the black walnut trees. His eyes, sharper than a human's because they were adapted for hunting, made out the darker shadow leaning against a trunk. " You took your time getting back. " " I had to see the others home safe. And I had to eat. " " Animal blood, " Damon said contemptuously, eyes fixed on a tiny round stain on Stefan's T-shirt. " Rabbit, from the smell of it. That seems appropriate somehow, doesn't it? " " Damon—I've given Bonnie and Meredith vervain too. " " A wise precaution, " Damon said distinctly, and showed his teeth. A familiar surge of irritation welled up in Stefan. Why did Damon always have to be so difficult? Talking with him was like walking between land mines. " I'll be going now, " Damon continued, swinging his jacket over one shoulder. " I've got business of my own to take care of. " He tossed a devastating grin over his shoulder. " Don't wait up. " " Damon. " Damon half turned, not looking but listening. " The last thing we need is some girl in this town screaming 'Vampire! ' " Stefan said. " Or showing the signs, either. These people have been through it before; they're not ignorant. " " I'll bear that in mind. " It was said ironically, but it was the closest thing to a promise Stefan had ever gotten from his brother in his life. " And, Damon? " " Now what? " " Thank you. " It was too much. Damon whipped around, his eyes cold and uninviting, a stranger's eyes. " Don't expect anything of me, little brother, " he said dangerously. " Because you'll be wrong every time. And don't think you can manipulate me, either. Those three humans may follow you, but I won't. I'm here for reasons of my own. " He was gone before Stefan could gather words for a reply. It wouldn't have mattered anyway. Damon never listened to anything he said. Damon never even called him by name. It was always the scornful " little brother. " And now Damon was off to prove how unreliable he was, Stefan thought. Wonderful. He'd do something particularly vicious just to show Stefan he was capable of it. Wearily, Stefan found a tree to lean against and slid down it to look at the night sky. He tried to think about the problem at hand, about what he'd learned tonight. The description Vickie had given of the killer. Tall, blond hair and blue eyes, he thought—that seemed to remind him of someone. Not someone he'd met, but someone he'd heard about… It was no use. He couldn't keep his mind on the puzzle. He was tired and lonely and in desperate need of comfort. And the stark truth was that there was no comfort to be had. Elena, he thought, you lied to me. It was the one thing she'd insisted on, the one thing she'd always promised. " Whatever happens, Stefan, I'll be with you. Tell me you believe that. " And he had answered, helpless in her spell, " Oh, Elena, I believe it. Whatever happens, we'll be together. " But she had left him. Not by choice maybe, but what did that matter in the end? She had left him and gone away. There were times when all he wanted was to follow her. Think about something else, anything else, he told himself, but it was too late. Once unleashed, the images of Elena swirled around him, too painful to bear, too beautiful to push away. The first time he'd kissed her. The shock of dizzy sweetness when his mouth met hers. And after that, shock after shock, but at some deeper level. As if she were reaching down to the core of himself, a core he'd almost forgotten. Frightened, he'd felt his defenses tear away. All his secrets, all his resistance, all the tricks he used to keep other people at arm's length. Elena had ripped through them all, exposing his vulnerability. Exposing his soul. And in the end, he found that it was what he wanted. He wanted Elena to see him without defenses, without walls. He wanted her to know him for what he was. Terrifying? Yes. When she'd discovered his secret at last, when she'd found him feeding on that bird, he had cringed in shame. He was sure that she'd turn away from the blood on his mouth in horror. In disgust. But when he looked into her eyes that night, he saw understanding. Forgiveness. Love. Her love had healed him. And that was when he knew they could never be apart. Other memories surged up and Stefan held on to them, even though the pain tore into him like claws. Sensations. The feel of Elena against him, supple in his arms. The brush of her hair on his cheek, light as a moth's wing. The curve of her lips, the taste of them. The impossible midnight blue of her eyes. All lost. All beyond his reach forever. But Bonnie had reached Elena. Elena's spirit, her soul, was still somewhere near. Of anyone, he should be able to summon it. He had Power at his command. And he had more right than anyone to seek her. He knew how it was done. Shut your eyes. Picture the person you want to draw near. That was easy. He could see Elena, feel her, smell her. Then call them, let your longing reach out into the emptiness. Open yourself and let your need be felt. Easier still. He didn't give a damn about the danger. He gathered all his yearning, all his pain, and sent it out searching like a prayer. And felt… nothing. Only void and his own loneliness. Only silence. His Power wasn't the same as Bonnie's. He couldn't reach the one thing he loved most, the one thing that mattered to him. He had never felt so alone in his life.
" You want what? " Bonnie said. " Some sort of records about the history of Fell's Church. Particularly about the founders, " Stefan said. They were all sitting in Meredith's car, which was parked a discreet distance behind Vickie's house. It was dusk of the next day and they had just returned from Sue's funeral—all but Stefan. " This has something to do with Sue, doesn't it? " Meredith's dark eyes, always so level and intelligent, probed Stefan's. " You think you've solved the mystery. " " Possibly, " he admitted. He had spent the day thinking. He'd put the pain of last night behind him, and once again he was in control. Although he could not reach Elena, he could justify her faith in him—he could do what she wanted done. And there was a comfort in work, in concentration. In keeping all emotion away. He added, " I have an idea about what might have happened, but it's a long shot and I don't want to talk about it until I'm sure. " " Why? " demanded Bonnie. Such a contrast to Meredith, Stefan thought. Hair as red as fire and a spirit to go with it. That delicate heart-shaped face and fair, translucent skin were deceptive, though. Bonnie was smart and resourceful—even if she was only beginning to find that out herself. " Because if I'm wrong, an innocent person might get hurt. Look, at this point it's just an idea. But I promise if I find any evidence tonight to back it up, I'll tell you all about it. " " You could talk with Mrs. Grimesby, " Meredith suggested. " She's the town librarian, and she knows a lot about the founding of Fell's Church. " " Or there's always Honoria, " Bonnie said. " I mean, she was one of the founders. " Stefan looked at her quickly. " I thought Honoria Fell had stopped communicating with you, " he said carefully. " I don't mean talk to her. She's gone, pfft, kaput, " Bonnie said disgustedly. " I mean her journal. It's right there in the library with Elena's; Mrs. Grimesby has them on display near the circulation desk. " Stefan was surprised. He didn't entirely like the idea of Elena's journal on display. But Honoria's records might be exactly what he was looking for. Honoria had not just been a wise woman; she had been well versed in the supernatural. A witch. " The library's closed by now, though, " Meredith said. " That's even better, " said Stefan. " No one will know what information we're interested in. Two of us can go down there and break in, and the other two can stay here. Meredith, if you'll come with me—" " I'd like to stay here, if you don't mind, " she said. " I'm tired, " she added in explanation, seeing his expression. " And this way I can get my watch over with and get home earlier. Why don't you and Matt go and Bonnie and I stay here? " Stefan was still looking at her. " Okay, " he said slowly. " Fine. If it's all right with Matt. " Matt shrugged. " That's it, then. It might take us a couple of hours or more. You two stay in the car with the doors locked. You should be safe enough that way. " If he was right in his suspicions, there wouldn't be any more attacks for a while—a few days at least. Bonnie and Meredith should be safe. But he couldn't help wonder what was behind Meredith's suggestion. Not simple tiredness, he was sure. " By the way, where's Damon? " Bonnie asked as he and Matt started to leave. Stefan felt his stomach muscles tighten. " I don't know. " He had been waiting for someone to ask that. He hadn't seen his brother since last night, and he had no idea what Damon might be doing. " He'll show up eventually, " he said, and closed the door on Meredith's, " That's what I'm afraid of. " He and Matt walked to the library in silence, keeping to the shadows, skirting areas of light. He couldn't afford to be seen. Stefan had come back to help Fell's Church, but he felt sure Fell's Church didn't want his help. He was a stranger again, an intruder here. They would hurt him if they caught him. The library lock was easy to pick, just a simple spring mechanism. And the journals were right where Bonnie had said they would be. Stefan forced his hand away from Elena's journal. Inside was the record of Elena's last days, in her own handwriting. If he started thinking about that now… He concentrated on the leather-bound book beside it. The faded ink on the yellowing pages was hard to read, but after a few minutes his eyes got accustomed to the dense, intricate writing with its elaborate curlicues. It was the story of Honoria Fell and her husband, who with the Smallwoods and a few other families had come to this place when it was still virgin wilderness. They had faced not only the dangers of isolation and hunger but of native wildlife. Honoria told the story of their battle to survive simply and clearly, without sentimentality. And in those pages Stefan found what he was looking for. With a prickling at the back of his neck, he reread the entry carefully. At last he leaned back and shut his eyes. He'd been right. There was no longer any doubt in his mind. And that meant he must also be right about what was going on in Fell's Church now. For an instant, bright sickness washed over him, and an anger that made him want to rip and tear and hurt something. Sue. Pretty Sue who had been Elena's friend had died for… that. A blood ritual, an obscene initiation. It made him want to kill. But then the rage faded, replaced by a fierce determination to stop what was happening and set things right. I promise you, he whispered to Elena in his own mind. I will stop it somehow. No matter what. He looked up to find Matt looking at him. Elena's journal was in Matt's hand, closing itself over his thumb. Just then Matt's eyes looked as dark a blue as Elena's. Too dark, full of turmoil and grief and something like bitterness. " You found it, " Matt said. " And it's bad. " " Yes. " " It would be. " Matt pushed Elena's journal back into the case and stood. There was a ring almost of satisfaction in his voice. Like somebody who's just proved a point. " I could have saved you the trouble of coming here. " Matt surveyed the darkened library, jingling change in his pocket. A casual observer might have thought he was relaxed, but his voice betrayed him. It was raw with strain. " You just think of the worst thing you can imagine and that's always the truth, " he said. " Matt…" Sudden concern stabbed at Stefan. He'd been too preoccupied since coming back to Fell's Church to look at Matt properly. Now he realized that he'd been unforgivably stupid. Something was terribly wrong. Matt's whole body was rigid with tension lying just under the surface. And Stefan could sense the anguish, the desperation in his mind. " Matt, what is it? " he said quietly. He got up and crossed to the other boy. " Is it something I did? " " I'm fine. " " You're shaking. " It was true. Fine tremors were running through the taut muscles. " I said I'm fine! " Matt swung away from him, shoulders hunched defensively. " Anyway, what could you have done to upset me? Besides taking my girl and getting her killed, I mean? " This stab was different, it was somewhere around Stefan's heart and it went straight through. Like the blade that had killed him once upon a time. He tried to breathe around it, not trusting himself to speak. " I'm sorry. " Matt's voice was leaden, and when Stefan looked, he saw that the tense shoulders had slumped. " That was a lousy thing to say. " " It was the truth. " Stefan waited a moment and then added, levelly, " But it's not the whole problem, is it? " Matt didn't answer. He stared at the floor, pushing something invisible with the side of one shoe. Just when Stefan was about to give up, he turned with a question of his own. " What's the world really like? " " What's… what? " " The world. You've seen a lot of it, Stefan. You've got four or five centuries on the rest of us, right? So what's the deal? I mean, is it basically the kind of place worth saving or is it essentially a pile of crap? " Stefan shut his eyes. " Oh. " " And what about people, huh, Stefan? The human race. Are we the disease or just a symptom? I mean, you take somebody like—like Elena. " Matt's voice shook briefly, but he went on. " Elena died to keep the town safe for girls like Sue. And now Sue's dead. And it's all happening again. It's never over. We can't win. So what does that tell you? " " Matt. " " What I'm really asking is, what's the point? Is there some cosmic joke I'm not getting? Or is the whole thing just one big freaking mistake? Do you understand what I'm trying to say here? " " I understand, Matt. " Stefan sat down and ran his hands through his hair. " If you'll shut up a minute, I'll try to answer you. " Matt drew up a chair and straddled it. " Great. Take your best shot. " His eyes were hard and challenging, but underneath Stefan saw the bewildered hurt that had been festering there. " I've seen a lot of evil, Matt, more than you can imagine, " Stefan said. " I've even lived it. It's always going to be a part of me, no matter how I fight it. Sometimes I think the whole human race is evil, much less my kind. And sometimes I think that enough of both our races is evil that it doesn't matter what happens to the rest. " When you get down to it, though, I don't know any more than you do. I can't tell you if there's a point or if things are ever going to turn out all right. " Stefan looked straight into Matt's eyes and spoke deliberately. " But I've got another question for you. So what? " Matt stared. " So what? " " Yeah. So what. " " So what if the universe is evil and if nothing we do to try and change it can really make any difference? " Matt's voice was gaining volume with his disbelief. " Yeah, so what? " Stefan leaned forward. " So what are you going to do, Matt Honeycutt, if every bad thing you've said is true? What are you going to do personally? Are you going to stop fighting and swim with the sharks? " Matt was grasping the back of his chair. " What are you talking about? " " You can do that, you know. Damon says so all the time. You can join up with the evil side, the winning side. And nobody can really blame you, because if the universe is that way, why shouldn't you be that way too? " " Like hell! " Matt exploded. His blue eyes were searing and he had half risen from his chair. " That's Damon's way, maybe! But just because it's hopeless doesn't mean it's all right to stop fighting. Even if I knew it was hopeless, I'd still have to try. I have to try, damn it! " " I know. " Stefan settled back and smiled faintly. It was a tired smile, but it showed the kinship he felt right then with Matt. And in a moment he saw by Matt's face that Matt understood. " I know because I feel the same way, " Stefan continued. " There's no excuse for giving up just because it looks like we're going to lose. We have to try—because the other choice is to surrender. " " I'm not ready to surrender anything, " Matt said through his teeth. He looked as if he'd fought his way back to a fire inside him that had been burning all along. " Ever, " he said. " Yeah, well, 'ever' is a long time, " Stefan said. " But for what it's worth, I'm going to try not to either. I don't know if it's possible, but I'm going to try. " " That's all anybody can do, " Matt said. Slowly, he pushed himself off the chair and stood straight. The tension was gone from his muscles, and his eyes were the clear, almost piercing blue eyes Stefan remembered. " Okay, " he said quietly. " If you found what you came for, we'd better get back to the girls. " Stefan thought, his mind switching gears. " Matt, if I'm right about what's going on, the girls should be okay for a while. But you go ahead and take over the watch from them. As long as I'm here there's something I'd like to read up on—by a guy named Gervase of Tilbury, who lived in the early 1200s. " " Even before your time, eh? " Matt said, and Stefan gave him the ghost of a smile. They stood for a moment, looking at each other. " All right. I guess I'll see you at Vickie's. " Matt turned to the door, then hesitated. Abruptly, he turned again and held out his hand. " Stefan—I'm glad you came back. " Stefan gripped it. " I'm glad to hear it" was all he said, but inside he felt a warmth that took away the stabbing pain. And some of the loneliness, too. Eight From where Bonnie and Meredith sat in the car, they could just see Vickie's window. It would have been better to be closer, but then someone might have discovered them. Meredith poured the last of the coffee out of the thermos and drank it. Then she yawned. She caught herself guiltily and looked at Bonnie. " You having trouble sleeping at night too? " " Yes. I can't imagine why, " Meredith said. " Do you think the guys are having a little talk? " Meredith glanced at her quickly, obviously surprised, then smiled. Bonnie realized Meredith hadn't expected her to catch on. " I hope so, " Meredith said. " It might do Matt some good. "