DARK REUNION 1 страницаDARK REUNION The Vampire Diaries Book 4 By L. J. Smith One " Things can be just like they were before, " said Caroline warmly, reaching out to squeeze Bonnie's hand. But it wasn't true. Nothing could ever be the way it had been before Elena died. Nothing. And Bonnie had serious misgivings about this party Caroline was trying to set up. A vague nagging in the pit of her stomach told her that for some reason it was a very, very bad idea. " Meredith's birthday is already over, " she pointed out. " It was last Saturday. " " But she didn't have a party, not a real party like this one. We've got all night; my parents won't be back until Sunday morning. Come on, Bonnie—just think how surprised she'll be. " Oh, she'll be surprised, all right, thought Bonnie. So surprised she just might kill me afterward. " Look, Caroline, the reason Meredith didn't have a big party is that she still doesn't feel much like celebrating. It seems—disrespectful, somehow—" " But that's wrong. Elena would want us to have a good time, you know she would. She loved parties. And she'd hate to see us sitting around and crying over her six months after she's gone. " Caroline leaned forward, her normally feline green eyes earnest and compelling. There was no artifice in them now, none of Caroline's usual nasty manipulation. Bonnie could tell she really meant it. " I want us to be friends again the way we used to be, " Caroline said. " We always used to celebrate our birthdays together, just the four of us, remember? And remember how the guys would always try to crash our parties? I wonder if they'll try this year. " Bonnie felt control of the situation slipping away from her. This is a bad idea, this is a very bad idea, she thought. But Caroline was going on, looking dreamy and almost romantic as she talked about the good old days. Bonnie didn't have the heart to tell her that the good old days were as dead as disco. " But there aren't even four of us anymore. Three doesn't make much of a party, " she protested feebly when she could get a word in. " I'm going to invite Sue Carson, too. Meredith gets along with her, doesn't she? " Bonnie had to admit Meredith did; everyone got along with Sue. But even so, Caroline had to understand that things couldn't be the way they had been before. You couldn't just substitute Sue Carson for Elena and say, There, everything is fixed now. But how do I explain that to Caroline? Bonnie thought. Suddenly she knew. " Let's invite Vickie Bennett, " she said. Caroline stared. " Vickie Bennett? You must be joking. Invite that bizarre little drip who undressed in front of half the school? After everything that happened? " " Because of everything that happened, " said Bonnie firmly. " Look, I know she was never in our crowd. But she's not in with the fast crowd anymore; they don't want her and she's scared to death of them. She needs friends. We need people. Let's invite her. " For a moment Caroline looked helplessly frustrated. Bonnie thrust her chin out, put her hands on her hips, and waited. Finally Caroline sighed. " All right; you win. I'll invite her. But you have to take care of getting Meredith to my house Saturday night. And Bonnie—make sure she doesn't have any idea what's going on. I really want this to be a surprise. " " Oh, it will be, " Bonnie said grimly. She was unprepared for the sudden light in Caroline's face or the impulsive warmth of Caroline's hug. " I'm so glad you're seeing things my way, " Caroline said. " And it'll be so good for us all to be together again. " She doesn't understand a thing, Bonnie realized, dazed, as Caroline walked off. What do I have to do to explain to her? Sock her? And then: Oh, God, now I have to tell Meredith. But by the end of the day she decided that maybe Meredith didn't need to be told. Caroline wanted Meredith surprised; well, maybe Bonnie should deliver Meredith surprised. That way at least Meredith wouldn't have to worry about it beforehand. Yes, Bonnie concluded, it was probably kindest to not tell Meredith anything. And who knows, she wrote in her journal Friday night. Maybe I'm being too hard on Caroline. Maybe she's really sorry about all the things she did to us, like trying to humiliate Elena in front of the whole town and trying to get Stefan put away for murder. Maybe Caroline's matured since then and learned to think about somebody besides herself. Maybe we'll actually have a good time at her party. And maybe aliens will kidnap me before tomorrow afternoon, she thought as she closed the diary. She could only hope. The diary was an inexpensive drugstore blank book, with a pattern of tiny flowers on the cover. She'd only started keeping it since Elena had died, but she'd already become slightly addicted to it. It was the one place she could say anything she wanted without people looking shocked and saying, " Bonnie McCullough! " or " Oh, Bonnie. " She was still thinking about Elena as she turned off the light and crawled under the covers.
She was sitting on lush, manicured grass that spread as far as she could see in all directions. The sky was a flawless blue, the air was warm and scented. Birds were singing. " I'm so glad you could come, " Elena said. " Oh—yes, " said Bonnie. " Well, naturally, so am I. Of course. " She looked around again, then hastily back at Elena. " More tea? " There was a teacup in Bonnie's hand, thin and fragile as eggshell. " Oh—sure. Thanks. " Elena was wearing an eighteenth-century dress of gauzy white muslin, which clung to her, showing how slender she was. She poured the tea precisely, without spilling a drop. " Would you like a mouse? " " A what? " " I said, would you like a sandwich with your tea? " " Oh. A sandwich. Yeah. Great. " It was thinly sliced cucumber with mayonnaise on a dainty square of white bread. Without the crust. The whole scene was as sparkly and beautiful as a picture by Seurat. Warm Springs, that's where we are. The old picnic place, Bonnie thought. But surely we've got more important things to discuss than tea. " Who does your hair these days? " she asked. Elena never had been able to do it herself. " Do you like it? " Elena put a hand up to the silky, pale gold mass piled at the back of her neck. " It's perfect, " said Bonnie, sounding for all the world like her mother at a Daughters of the American Revolution dinner party. " Well, hair is important, you know, " Elena said. Her eyes glowed a deeper blue than the sky, lapis lazuli blue. Bonnie touched her own springy red curls self-consciously. " Of course, blood is important too, " Elena said. " Blood? Oh—yes, of course, " said Bonnie, flustered. She had no idea what Elena was talking about, and she felt as if she were walking on a tightrope over alligators. " Yes, blood's important, all right, " she agreed weakly. " Another sandwich? " " Thanks. " It was cheese and tomato. Elena selected one for herself and bit into it delicately. Bonnie watched her, feeling uneasiness grow by the minute inside her, and then— And then she saw the mud oozing out of the edges of the sandwich. " What—what's that? " Terror made her voice shrill. For the first time, the dream seemed like a dream, and she found that she couldn't move, could only gasp and stare. A thick glob of the brown stuff fell off Elena's sandwich onto the checkered tablecloth. It was mud, all right. " Elena… Elena, what—" " Oh, we all eat this down here. " Elena smiled at her with brown-stained teeth. Except that the voice wasn't Elena's; it was ugly and distorted and it was a man's voice. " You will too. " The air was no longer warm and scented; it was hot and sickly sweet with the odor of rotting garbage. There were black pits in the green grass, which wasn't manicured after all but wild and overgrown. This wasn't Warm Springs. She was in the old graveyard; how could she not have realized that? Only these graves were fresh. " Another mouse? " Elena said, and giggled obscenely. Bonnie looked down at the half-eaten sandwich she was holding and screamed. Dangling from one end was a ropy brown tail. She threw it as hard as she could against a headstone, where it hit with a wet slap. Then she stood, stomach heaving, scrubbing her fingers frantically against her jeans. " You can't leave yet. The company is just arriving. " Elena's face was changing; she had already lost her hair, and her skin was turning gray and leathery. Things were moving in the plate of sandwiches and the freshly dug pits. Bonnie didn't want to see any of them; she thought she would go mad if she did. " You're not Elena! " she screamed, and ran. The wind blew her hair into her eyes and she couldn't see. Her pursuer was behind her; she could feel it right behind her. Get to the bridge, she thought, and then she ran into something. " I've been waiting for you, " said the thing in Elena's dress, the gray skeletal thing with long, twisted teeth. " Listen to me, Bonnie. " It held her with terrible strength. " You're not Elena! You're not Elena! " " Listen to me, Bonnie! " It was Elena's voice, Elena's real voice, not obscenely amused nor thick and ugly, but urgent. It came from somewhere behind Bonnie and it swept through the dream like a fresh, cold wind. " Bonnie, listen quickly—" Things were melting. The bony hands on Bonnie's arms, the crawling graveyard, the rancid hot air. For a moment Elena's voice was clear, but it was broken up like a bad long-dis-tance connection. " … He's twisting things, changing them. I'm not as strong as he is…" Bonnie missed some words. " … but this is important. You have to find… right now. " Her voice was fading. " Elena, I can't hear you! Elena! " " … an easy spell, only two ingredients, the ones I told you already…" " Elena! " Bonnie was still shouting as she sat bolt upright in bed. Two " And that's all I remember, " Bonnie concluded as she and Meredith walked down Sunflower Street between the rows of tall Victorian houses. " But it was definitely Elena? " " Yes, and she was trying to tell me something at the end. But that's the part that wasn't clear, except that it was important, terribly important. What do you think? " " Mouse sandwiches and open graves? " Meredith arched an elegant eyebrow. " I think you're getting Stephen King mixed up with Lewis Carroll. " Bonnie thought she was probably right. But the dream still bothered her; it had bothered her all day, enough to put her earlier worries out of her mind. Now, as she and Meredith approached Caroline's house, the old worries returned with a vengeance. She really should have told Meredith about this, she thought, casting an uneasy sideways glance at the taller girl. She shouldn't let Meredith just walk in there unprepared… Meredith looked up at the lighted windows of the Queen Anne House with a sigh. " Do you really need those earrings tonight? " " Yes, I do; yes, absolutely. " Too late now. Might as well make the best of it. " You'll love them when you see them, " she added, hearing the note of hopeful desperation in her own voice. Meredith paused and her keen dark eyes searched Bonnie's face curiously. Then she knocked on the door. " I just hope Caroline's not staying home tonight. We could end up stuck with her. " " Caroline staying home on a Saturday night? Don't be ridiculous. " Bonnie had been holding her breath too long; she was starting to feel lightheaded. Her tinkling laughter came out brittle and false. " What a concept, " she continued somewhat hysterically as Meredith said, " I don't think anybody's home, " and tried the knob. Possessed by some crazy impulse Bonnie added, " Fiddle-dee-dee. " Hand on doorknob, Meredith stopped dead and turned to look at her. " Bonnie, " she said quietly, " have you gone completely through the ozone? " " No. " Deflated, Bonnie grabbed Meredith's arm and sought her eyes urgently. The door was opening on its own. " Oh, God, Meredith, please don't kill me…" " Surprise! " shouted three voices. " Smile, " Bonnie hissed, shoving the suddenly resistant body of her friend through the door and into the bright room full of noise and showers of foil confetti. She beamed wildly herself and spoke through clenched teeth. " Kill me later—I deserve it—but for now just smile. "
There were balloons, the expensive Mylar kind, and a cluster of presents on the coffee table. There was even a flower arrangement, although Bonnie noticed the orchids in it matched Caroline's pale green scarf exactly. It was a Hermes silk with a design of vines and leaves. She'll end up wearing one of those orchids in her hair, I'll bet, Bonnie thought. Sue Carson's blue eyes were a little anxious, her smile wavering. " I hope you didn't have any big plans for tonight, Meredith, " she said. " Nothing I can't break with an iron crowbar, " Meredith replied. But she smiled back with wry warmth and Bonnie relaxed. Sue had been a Homecoming Princess on Elena's court, along with Bonnie, Meredith, and Caroline. She was the only girl at school besides Bonnie and Meredith who'd stood by Elena when everyone else had turned against her. At Elena's funeral she'd said that Elena would always be the real queen of Robert E. Lee, and she'd given up her own nomination for Snow Queen in Elena's memory. Nobody could hate Sue. The worst was over now, Bonnie thought. " I want to get a picture of us all on the couch, " Caroline said, positioning them behind the flower arrangement. " Vickie, take it, will you? " Vickie Bennett had been standing by quietly, unnoticed. Now she said, " Oh, sure, " and nervously flicked long, light brown hair out of her eyes as she picked up the camera. Just like she's some kind of servant, Bonnie thought, and then the flashbulb blinded her. As the Polaroid developed and Sue and Caroline laughed and talked around Meredith's dry politeness, Bonnie noticed something else. It was a good picture; Caroline looked stunning as ever with her auburn hair gleaming and the pale green orchids in front of her. And there was Meredith, looking resigned and ironic and darkly beautiful without even trying, and there she was herself, a head shorter than the others, with her red curls tousled and a sheepish expression on her face. But the strange thing was the figure beside her on the couch. It was Sue, of course it was Sue, but for a moment the blond hair and blue eyes seemed to belong to someone else. Someone looking at her urgently, on the verge of saying something important. Bonnie frowned at the photo, blinking rapidly. The image swam in front of her, and a chilling uneasiness ran up her spine. No, it was just Sue in the picture. She must've gone crazy for a minute, or else she was letting Caroline's desire for them " all to be together again" affect her. " I'll take the next one, " she said, springing up. " Sit down, Vickie, and lean in. No, farther, farther—there! " All of Vickie's movements were quick and light and nervous. When the flashbulb went off, she started like a scared animal ready to bolt. Caroline scarcely glanced at this picture, getting up and heading for the kitchen instead. " Guess what we're having instead of cake? " she said. " I'm making my own version of Death by Chocolate. Come on, you've got to help me melt the fudge. " Sue followed her, and after an uncertain pause, so did Vickie. The last traces of Meredith's pleasant expression evaporated and she turned to Bonnie. " You should have told me. " " I know. " Bonnie lowered her head meekly a minute. Then she looked up and grinned. " But then you wouldn't have come and we wouldn't be having Death by Chocolate. " " And that makes it all worthwhile? " " Well, it helps, " Bonnie said, with an air of being reasonable. " And really, it probably won't be so bad. Caroline's actually trying to be nice, and it's good for Vickie to get out of the house for once…" " It doesn't look like it's good for her, " Meredith said bluntly. " It looks like she's going to have a heart attack. " " Well, she's probably just nervous. " In Bonnie's opinion, Vickie had good reason to be nervous. She'd spent most of the previous fall in a trance, being slowly driven out of her mind by a power she didn't understand. Nobody had expected her to come out of it as well as she had. Meredith was still looking bleak. " At least, " Bonnie said consolingly, " it isn't your real birthday. " Meredith picked up the camera and turned it over and over. Still looking down at her hands, she said, " But it is. " " What? " Bonnie stared and then said louder, " What did you say? " " I said, it is my real birthday. Caroline's mom must have told her; she and my mom used to be friends a long time ago. " " Meredith, what are you talking about? Your birthday was last week, May 30. " " No, it wasn't. It's today, June 6. It's true; it's on my driver's license and everything. My parents started celebrating it a week early because June 6 was too upsetting for them. It was the day my grandfather was attacked and went crazy. " As Bonnie gasped, unable to speak, she added calmly, " He tried to kill my grandmother, you know. He tried to kill me, too. " Meredith put the camera down carefully in the exact center of the coffee table. " We really should go in the kitchen, " she said quietly. " I smell chocolate. " Bonnie was still paralyzed, but her mind was beginning to work again. Vaguely, she remembered Meredith speaking about this before, but she hadn't told her the full truth then. And she hadn't said when it had happened. " Attacked—you mean like Vickie was attacked, " Bonnie got out. She couldn't say the word vampire, but she knew Meredith understood. " Like Vickie was attacked, " Meredith confirmed. " Come on, " she added, even more quietly. " They're waiting for us. I didn't mean to upset you. "
Meredith doesn't want me to be upset, so I won't be upset, Bonnie thought, pouring hot fudge over the chocolate cake and chocolate ice cream. Even though we've been friends since first grade and she never told me this secret before. For an instant her skin chilled and words came floating out of the dark corners of her mind. No one is what they seem. She'd been warned that last year by the voice of Honoria Fell speaking through her, and the prophecy had turned out to be horrifyingly true. What if it wasn't over yet? Then Bonnie shook her head determinedly. She couldn't think about this right now; she had a party to think about. And I'll make sure it's a good party and we all get along somehow, she thought. Strangely, it wasn't even that hard. Meredith and Vickie didn't talk much at first, but Bonnie went out of her way to be nice to Vickie, and even Meredith couldn't resist the pile of brightly wrapped presents on the coffee table. By the time she'd opened the last one they were all talking and laughing. The mood of truce and toleration continued as they moved up into Caroline's bedroom to examine her clothes and CDs and photo albums. As it got near midnight they flopped on sleeping bags, still talking. " What's going on with Alaric these days? " Sue asked Meredith. Alaric Saltzman was Meredith's boyfriend—sort of. He was a graduate student from Duke University who'd majored in parapsychology and had been called to Fell's Church last year when the vampire attacks began. Though he'd started out an enemy, he'd ended up an ally—and a friend. " He's in Russia, " Meredith said. " Perestroika, you know? He's over there finding out what they were doing with psychics during the Cold War. " " What are you going to tell him when he gets back? " asked Caroline. It was a question Bonnie would have liked to ask Meredith herself. Because Alaric was almost four years older, Meredith had told him to wait until after she graduated to talk about their future. But now Meredith was eighteen—today, Bonnie reminded herself—and graduation was in two weeks. What was going to happen after that? " I haven't decided, " Meredith said. " Alaric wants me to go to Duke, and I've been accepted there, but I'm not sure. I have to think. " Bonnie was just as glad. She wanted Meredith to go to Boone Junior College with her, not go off and get married, or even engaged. It was stupid to decide on one guy so young. Bonnie herself was notorious for playing the field, going from boy to boy as she pleased. She got crushes easily, and got over them just as easily. " I haven't seen the guy so far worth remaining faithful to, " she said now. Everyone looked at her quickly. Sue's chin was resting on her fists as she asked, " Not even Stefan? " Bonnie should have known. With the only light the dim bedside lamp and the only sound the rustle of new leaves on the weeping willows outside, it was inevitable that the conversation would turn to Stefan—and to Elena. Stefan Salvatore and Elena Gilbert were already a sort of legend in the town, like Romeo and Juliet. When Stefan had first come to Fell's Church, every girl had wanted him. And Elena, the most beautiful, most popular, most unapproachable girl at school, had wanted him too. It was only after she'd gotten him that she realized the danger. Stefan wasn't what he seemed—he had a secret far darker than anyone could have guessed. And he had a brother, Damon, even more mysterious and dangerous than himself. Elena had been caught between the two brothers, loving Stefan but drawn irresistibly to Damon's wildness. In the end she had died to save them both, and to redeem their love. " Maybe Stefan—if you're Elena, " Bonnie murmured, yielding the point. The atmosphere had changed. It was hushed now, a little sad, just right for late-night confidences. " I still can't believe she's gone, " Sue said quietly, shaking her head and shutting her eyes. " She was so much more alive than other people. " " Her flame burned brighter, " said Meredith, gazing at the patterns the rose-and-gold lamp made on the ceiling. Her voice was soft but intense, and it seemed to Bonnie that those words described Elena better than anything she'd ever heard. " There were times when I hated her, but I could never ignore her, " Caroline admitted, her green eyes narrowed in memory. " She wasn't a person you could ignore. " " One thing I learned from her death, " Sue said, " is that it could happen to any of us. You can't waste any of life because you never know how long you've got. " " It could be sixty years or sixty minutes, " Vickie agreed in a low voice. " Any of us could die tonight. " Bonnie wriggled, disturbed. But before she could say anything, Sue repeated, " I still can't believe she's really gone. Sometimes I feel as if she's somewhere near. " " Oh, so do I, " said Bonnie, distracted. An image of Warm Springs flashed through her mind, and for a moment it seemed more vivid than Caroline's dim room. " Last night I dreamed about her, and I had the feeling it really was her and that she was trying to tell me something. I still have that feeling, " she said to Meredith. The others gazed at her silently. Once, they would all have laughed if Bonnie hinted at any-thing supernatural, but not now. Her psychic powers were undisputed, awesome, and a little scary. " Do you really? " breathed Vickie. " What do you think she was trying to say? " asked Sue. " I don't know. At the end she was trying so hard to stay in contact with me, but she couldn't. " There was another silence. At last Sue said hesitantly, with the faintest catch in her voice, " Do you think… do you think you could contact her? " It was what they'd all been wondering. Bonnie looked toward Meredith. Earlier, Meredith had dismissed the dream, but now she met Bonnie's eyes seriously. " I don't know, " Bonnie said slowly. Visions from the nightmare kept swirling around her. " I don't want to go into a trance and open myself up to whatever else might be out there, that's for sure. " " Is that the only way to communicate with dead people? What about a Ouija board or something? " Sue asked. " My parents have a Ouija board, " Caroline said a little too loudly. Suddenly the hushed, low-key mood was broken and an indefinable tension filled the air. Everyone sat up straighter and looked at each other with speculation. Even Vickie looked intrigued on top of her scaredness. " Would it work? " Meredith said to Bonnie. " Should we? " Sue wondered aloud. " Do we dare? That's really the question, " Meredith said. Once again Bonnie found everyone looking at her. She hesitated a final instant, and then shrugged. Excitement was stirring in her stomach. " Why not? " she said. " What have we got to lose? " Caroline turned to Vickie. " Vickie, there's a closet at the bottom of the stairs. The Ouija board should be inside, on the top shelf with a bunch of other games. " She didn't even say, " Please, will you get it? " Bonnie frowned and opened her mouth, but Vickie was already out the door. " You could be a little more gracious, " Bonnie told Caroline. " What is this, your impression of Cinderella's evil stepmother? " " Oh, come on, Bonnie, " Caroline said impatiently. " She's lucky just to be invited. She knows that. " " And here I thought she was just overcome by our collective splendor, " Meredith said dryly. " And besides—" Bonnie started when she was interrupted. The noise was thin and shrill and it fell off weakly at the end, but there was no mistaking it. It was a scream. It was followed by dead silence and then suddenly peal after peal of piercing shrieks. For an instant the girls in the bedroom stood transfixed. Then they were all running out into the hallway and down the stairs. " Vickie! " Meredith, with her long legs, reached the bottom first. Vickie was standing in front of the closet, arms outstretched as if to protect her face. She clutched at Meredith, still screaming. " Vickie, what is it? " Caroline demanded, sounding more angry than afraid. There were game boxes scattered across the floor and Monopoly markers and Trivial Pursuit cards strewn everywhere. " What are you yelling about? " " It grabbed me! I was reaching up to the top shelf and something grabbed me around the waist! " " From behind? " " No! From inside the closet. " Startled, Bonnie looked inside the open closet. Winter coats hung in an impenetrable layer, some of them reaching the floor. Gently disengaging herself from Vickie, Meredith picked up an umbrella and began poking the coats. " Oh, don't—" Bonnie began involuntarily, but the umbrella encountered only the resistance of cloth. Meredith used it to push the coats aside and reveal the bare cedarwood of the closet wall. " You see? Nobody there, " she said lightly. " But you know what is there are these coat sleeves. If you leaned in far enough between them, I'll bet it could feel like somebody's arms closing around you. " Vickie stepped forward, touched a dangling sleeve, then looked up at the shelf. She put her face in her hands, long silky hair falling forward to screen it. For an awful moment Bonnie thought she was crying, then she heard the giggles. " Oh, God! I really thought—oh, I'm so stupid! I'll clean it up, " Vickie said. " Later, " said Meredith firmly. " Let's go in the living room. "