Being between tans, Noah had opted to change his clothes in private, though the restroom turned out to be nearly as crowded as the bar itself. There was a definite scent of weed smoke in the air. He’d already seen a few hardcore, single‑ issue hemp‑ heads in the crowd. Maybe they were here to attach their cause to the larger group’s ambitions. He slipped out of his damp shirt and into the fresh top he’d borrowed. His pants he’d have to live with, but they were already starting to dry out. At least without his dress shirt and tie he might blend in a little better with the majority of the yahoos outside. When he returned to the tavern proper he saw that the big guy was gone, but another man had joined Molly at the small table by the stage. Noah stopped by a floor column at a point where he was half obscured from their line of sight. It hadn’t been his conscious intention to stand there and watch the two of them from a distance, not at all. That would be impolite, not to mention a little creepy if either of them should have glanced over to notice him there. But as the brief pause stretched into a minute or more, his minor worry of what she might think if she saw him watching was pushed aside by a different concern. They were sitting close together, hand on hand, talking and whispering, intent on one another, each finishing thoughts for the other, laughing easily. It was an intimate relaxation between them, a togetherness without any pretense, the kind of closeness you see only rarely between siblings, and sometimes among old friends, but often between two people in love. “That Molly, she’s a nice girl, don’t you think? ” Noah flinched at the sound of the voice near his ear. He turned to see Molly’s large friend Hollis towering beside him, watching the distant table just as he had been. I was just‑ “Nice girl. Smart one, too. Quick as a whip. ” Now that he’d said a few more words his regional accent was coming through loud and clear. This guy wasn’t just from Appalachia; he looked and sounded like he might’ve eaten one of the Blue Ridge Mountains. “Whatever, ” Noah said, “I just met her, so‑ ” “That boy with her there, his name’s Danny Bailey. Molly tells me they was tight with one another some time ago, but beyond that I didn’t pry no further. ” Feigning disinterest didn’t seem to be of much further use. Either Hollis was an excellent judge of character or it was so obvious that Noah was smitten with this woman that there was no more need to try to hide it. “Okay, so that’s his name, ” Noah said, “but who is this guy? ” His cover was now blown; Molly had just spotted him and was waving him over. “To be honest I don’t know that much about him, ” Hollis said, and his next words sounded strange coming from a giant of a man who could probably bear‑ hug the fight out of a silverback at the Bronx Zoo. “But he scares me some. ” • • • When he returned to the table they pulled over another chair and all three sat back down. “So, you must be Noah, ” Danny Bailey said. “Molly’s told me almost nothing about you. ” If the twinkle in his deep voice was any indication, Bailey found himself pretty damned amusing. He had the air of someone who was accustomed to being seen from a stage or on camera and had put his look together accordingly. He was handsome enough, but up close you could see all the things the footlights would obscure: too many cross‑ hatched wrinkles for a man so young, desperately spiky hair with too‑ careful highlights, face a bit too thin, eyes a little sunken and dry. It was a picture of a guy on the wrong side of thirty trying hard to remember twenty‑ one. “I’m not surprised, ” Noah said. “We hardly know each other, and what she knows so far, I doubt she likes too much. ” Bailey nudged Molly with his shoulder. “What do you say about that, sweet thing? ” She looked embarrassed, and was rescued from answering by the arrival of the waitress with a round for the table. “Aw, come on, lighten up, everybody. I kid because I love. Here, look. ” He picked up his shot glass and downed whatever brownish liquor it was filled with, then held up the empty in a toast of sorts. “Here’s to new friends, and maybe a new fan. ” Noah picked up his glass and sipped it. “I’m sorry, you said a new fan? ” “Yeah, man. ” He held out his hand in introduction, and Noah shook it. “Danny Bailey. ” He seemed to wait for a sign of dawning recognition, and got none. “Don’t tell me you haven’t seen the video. ” Noah blinked, and shook his head. “Overthrow, man, the video. It’s gonna bring on the total downfall of the whole frickin’ evil empire, thirty‑ five million views on YouTube. That’s me. I’m shocked, you really haven’t seen it? There’s e‑ mails about me flying around all over the Internet. ” “Well, ” Noah said, “I guess I’ve got a really good spam filter. ” For a long moment the legendary Danny Bailey looked like he’d just been double‑ smacked across his face with the ceremonial dueling gloves. “Down, boys, ” Molly said. Bailey let the air between them simmer just a little while longer. Then he smiled and shook his head, picked up the shot glass in front of Molly, drank its contents in one gulp, and got up to leave. He leaned down and kissed Molly on the cheek, whispered something elaborate in her ear, and then looked across to Noah. “Lots of luck, ” Bailey said. “Hey, really, you too. ” With the other man gone Noah turned to Molly and tapped the lip of her empty glass. “Can I get you another one? ” “No, I don’t drink. That’s why he did that; he wasn’t being rude. ” “Oh no, not at all. ” “Danny’s a good guy, he’s just living in the past of this movement, I think. I’m not telling you anything that I haven’t said to him. You’ll see what I mean when he speaks tonight. He doesn’t have much of a BS‑ filter, and he gets people fired up about the wrong things, when there are plenty of real things to fight against. But, there’s no denying he gets a lot of attention. ” “Just my opinion, ” Noah said. “but it’s a pretty informed one. You should be careful who you associate yourselves with. In PR we have a saying that the message is irrelevant if you don’t choose the right messenger. And it’s not always true, you know, that there’s no such thing as bad publicity. ” “I’ll take that under advisement. ” She looked him over. “I’m glad to see that shirt fits you so well. ” “Yeah, I’m an off‑ the‑ rack medium‑ large, ” Noah said, placing his bundle of wet things on the now‑ vacant barstool between them. “Thanks again. ” She nodded. “I’m happy you came. Now”‑ she scooted a few inches closer‑ “tell me something about yourself that I don’t already know. ” Noah answered instinctively. “I will if you will. ” Molly seemed to think about that for a moment. “Okay. ” “Okay. ” He bit his lip as if in deep thought, considering what to choose as a first revelation. “I have an almost supernatural ability to tell when a person is hiding something. ” “No, you don’t. ” “I do. While the other kids went to Cub Scouts I was sitting behind one‑ way glass eating M & Ms and watching about a million focus groups. I know people. ” He thumped his temple with an index finger. “Human lie detector. ” “Prove it. ” Noah looked briefly around the bar and then settled on one man and studied him for a few seconds. “All right. Behind you, over your left shoulder, halfway to the exit sign. Muscle shirt, pirate earring, loose coat, and a blond biker mullet. Be discreet. ” She turned to look, and then her eyes came back to him. “He’s not one of you. If that’s not an infiltrator, I’ve never seen one before. ” Molly turned her head again. When she turned back she didn’t look impressed; she looked troubled, and then angry. “Calm down, ” Noah said. “What do you think, there’s not going to be a spy or two from the enemy camp at a thing like this? ” “It’s not right. ” “Come on, forget about it, ” he said. “So, I went first, now tell me something about you. ” Molly nodded, took a deep breath, and then climbed up to stand on the seat of her stool and shouted across the bar. “Hey, you! ” She pointed to the man in question, who had turned to face her along with most of those nearby. “Enjoying the show, are you? Look, everybody! We’ve got a Benedict Arnold in the house! ” From the malevolent look on the guy’s face, getting publicly busted was one of his least favorite things to do on a Friday night. To a rising chorus of jeers from others around him, with a last venomous glance at her over his shoulder he abruptly packed it in and headed for the door. Molly sat back down, with a sweet, vocal sigh. “Something about myself… let me see. ” She leaned forward, closer to Noah, as though about to share a secret nobody knew. “I can sometimes be a little impulsive, ” she whispered.