Ақпараттық коммуникациялық технологиялар пәні бойынша барлық мамандық студенттеріне арналған тест тапсырмалары 7 страница ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 7 из 7 e) Unix, MS Windows, Mac 474. Ofice suites programs are … a) MS Word, Acsess, Power Point b) Win Rar, Win Zip c) Kaspersky, Dr. Web, Eset d) 3D max, Photoshop, Paint e) Unix, MS Windows, Mac 475. Type of Operation systems a) Unix, MS Windows, Mac b) Win Rar, Win Zip c) Kaspersky, Dr. Web, Eset d) MS Word, Acsess, Power Point e) 3D max, Photoshop, Paint 476 Photo redactor programs are.. a) 3D max, Photoshop, Paint b) Win Rar, Win Zip c) Kaspersky, Dr. Web, Eset d) MS Word, Acsess, Power Point e) Unix, MS Windows, Mac 477. 3D max, Photoshop, Paint. a) Photo redactor programs b) Type of Operation systems c) Ofice suites programs are d) programs are arhive e) programs are antivirus 478. Unix, MS Windows, Mac a) Type of Operation systems b) Photo redactor programs c) Ofice suites programs are d) programs are arhive e) programs are antivirus 479. MS Word, Acsess, Power Point a) Ofice suites programs are b) Type of Operation systems c) Photo redactor programs d) programs are arhive e) programs are antivirus 480. Win Rar, Win Zip a) programs are arhive b) Ofice suites programs are c) Type of Operation systems d) Photo redactor programs e) programs are antivirus 481. Kaspersky, Dr. Web, Eset a) programs are antivirus b) programs are arhive c) Ofice suites programs are d) Type of Operation systems e) Photo redactor programs 482. txt. dat. rtf. docx. doc. odt. wpd. pages a) Type of File Text b) Type of File Sound c) Type of File Graphics d) Type of File Animation/video e) Web page 483. wav. mid. mp3. m4p. aac a) Type of File Sound b) Type of File Text c) Type of File Graphics d) Type of File Animation/video e) Web page 484. . bmp. tif. wmf.gif.jpg.png. eps. ai a) Type of File Graphics b) Type of File Text c) Type of File Sound d) Type of File Animation/video e) Web page 485. . flc. swf. avi. mpg. mp4. mov. wmv a) Type of File Animation/video b) Type of File Text c) Type of File Sound d) Type of File Graphics e) Web page 486. . htm. html. asp. vrml. php a) Web page b). Type of File Text c) Type of File Sound d) Type of File Graphics e) Type of File Animation/video f) 487. . xlsx. xls. ods. numbers a) Type of File Spreadsheet b). Type of File Text c) Type of File Sound d) Type of File Graphics e) Type of File Animation/video 488. accdb. odb a) Type of File Database b) Type of File Text c) Type of File Sound d) Type of File Graphics e) Type of File Animation/video 489. pdf. pptx. qxp. odp. zip. pub a) Type of File Miscellaneous b) Type of File Text c) Type of File Sound d) Type of File Graphics e) Type of File Animation/video 490. A sequence of operating system commands executed automatically when the computer boots a) Batch file b) Configuration file c) Help file d) Temporary file e) Support program 491. Information about programs the computer uses to allocate the resources necessary to run them a) Configuration file b) Batch file c) Help file d) Temporary file e) Support program 492. The information displayed by on-screen Help f) Help file g) Batch file h) Configuration file i) Temporary file j) Support program
493. A sort of scratch pad that contains data while a file is open, but is discarded when you close the file a) Temporary file b) Support program c) Help file d) Batch file e) Configuration file 494. Program instructions executed along with the main. exe file for a program a) Support program b) Temporary file c) Help file d) Batch file e) Configuration file 495. The main executable files for a computer program a) Program file b) Temporary file c) Support program d) Help file e) Batch file 496. is a visual work area that covers the entire screen and remains in the background throughout a computing session. a) A desktop b). A Start screen c) An icon d) A button e) A menu 497. displays a list of commands or options on a menu bar a) A menu b) A desktop c). A Start screen d) An icon e) A button 498. is a small picture that represents a program, file, or h
ardware device. a) An icon b). A Start screen c) A button d) A menu e) A Start screen 499. is a graphic—usually rectangular in shape—that can be clicked to make a selection a) A button b) A menu c) A desktop d) An icon e) A Start screen 500.. popular on handheld devices, appears at the end of the boot process and whenever it is invoked by the user, commonly by pressing the Home button a) A Start screen b) A button c) A menu d) A desktop e) An icon