Notes . Summary ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6 Notes Meeting point: On 1 August from 16. 00h in the Residencia Juvenil Ló pez Florentino Cuevillas.
Code: SVIGA24-18 Name: Rota do Romá nico Date: 2018-08-01 / 2018-08-15 Total places: 7, бронь «Содружества» - 2 места. Age: 18 - 30 Type of work: CULT Cultural - ENVI Environmental Region: GALICIA - SPAIN Location: FERREIRA DE PANTON (CASCO URBANO) Partner contacts: Address: , C. P. 27430, Email: omixpanton@gmail. com, Web: www. concellodepanton. es Fee: 0. 0 EUR Languages: Spanish, English Phone Number: +34 982456005 Summary The main objective of the work camp is to provide a culture and ethnographic immersion to revitalize the Galician Romanesque through new technologies. Work: Cleaning and outside refurbishment of the Romanesque Route by means of the intervention of various landmarks (signalling, weed cleaning and revitalizing the route). Refurbishment of different urban sites with wall paintings or graffiti. Showcasing of the Romanesque Route with collaboration from the XXIX Xornadas da Rota Romá nica (Seminars about Romanesque Route) in Pantó n. Visualize the Romanesque route using new technologies. Location and leisure: Kayak, paddle board, swimming pool, archery, geocatching, hiking route " Auga Caí da", enjoying a day together, rock concert, Romanesque route in Santiago de Compostela, route in A Ribeira Sacra Notes MEETING POINT: The first day up to 19: 00 h at the main entry of the Casa da Cultura (Praza do Concello, s/n 27430 O Castro da Ferreira) in Panton, it will be marked by a banner. Prior to this there will be two established meeting points in the cities of Ourense and Monforte de Lemos within a fixed schedule: there the monitors will pick up the volunteers and their luggages.