


Случайная статья



Word Specification Sample

Working Draft 04, 16 August 2002

Document identifier:



http: //www. oasis-open. org/spectools/docs/


[List your editors here; check whether “Editor” header should be plural]

Eve Maler, Sun Microsystems < eve. maler@sun. com>


[List your contributors here]

[Optionally list them in the Acknowledgments appendix instead]

Karl Best, OASIS

Norman Walsh, Sun Microsystems


[Supply your own summary of the technical purpose of the document. ] This document provides a working MS Word 2000 sample from which you can start editing your own OASIS-published document. Instructions are provided as italic text in brackets, which should be deleted before publication. Full instructions are provided in the body of the document.


[Describe the status and stability of the specification and where to send comments. ] This document is updated periodically on no particular schedule. Send comments to the editor.

[This is boilerplate; to use, fix the hyperlinks: ] Committee members should send comments on this specification to the xxx@lists. oasis-open. org list. Others should subscribe to and send comments to the xxx-comment@lists. oasis-open. org list. To subscribe, send an email message to xxx-comment-request@lists. oasis-open. org with the word " subscribe" as the body of the message.

[This is boilerplate; to use, fix the hyperlinks: ] For information on whether any patents have been disclosed that may be essential to implementing this specification, and any offers of patent licensing terms, please refer to the Intellectual Property Rights section of the XXX TC web page (http: //www. oasis-open. org/committees/xxx/).

[If a Committee Specification or OASIS Standard: ] The errata page for this specification is at http: //www. oasis-open. org/committees/xxx/yyy.

Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

1. 1 Terminology. 3

2 Word Styles. 4

2. 1 Overall Style. 4

2. 2 Title Page. 4

2. 3 Headings. 4

2. 4 Paragraphs. 4

2. 5 Lists. 4

2. 6 Tables. 5

2. 7 Code Examples. 5

2. 8 Character Styles. 5

3 References. 6

3. 1 Normative. 6

Appendix A. Acknowledgments. 7

Appendix B. Revision History. 8

Appendix C. Notices. 9



[Provide an introductory chapter, indicating if any parts of it are non-normative. ]


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