Would rather + TO + inf. 1 subject. 2 subjectsWould rather + TO + inf
John would rather drink Coca-Cola than orange juice. John prefers drinking Coca-Cola to drinking orange juice. John prefers Coca-Cola to orange juice. John prefers to drink Coca-Cola rather than to drink orange juice.
1 subject PRESENT
subject + would rather + [verb in simple form]... Jim would rather go to class tomorrow than today.
subject + would rather + have + [verb in past participle] John would rather have gone to class yesterday than today.
2 subjects PRESENT REAL
subject + would rather that + subject2 + [verb in infinitive] I would rather that you call me tomorrow. We would rather that he take this train.
subject + would rather that + subject2 + [verb in simple past tense].. .
Henry would rather that his girlfriend worked in the same department as he does. (She does not) Jane would rather that it were winter now. (It is not winter now. )
subject + would rather that + subject2 + past perfect.. .
Jim would rather that Jill had gone to class yesterday. (Jill did not go to class yesterday. )
John would rather not go to class tomorrow. John would rather not have gone to class yesterday. John would rather that you not call me tomorrow.
didn't/weren’t + [verb in simple form] and hadn't + [verb in past participle] respectively. Henry would rather that his girlfriend didn't work in the same department as he does. John would rather that Jill had not gone to class yesterday.
I’d rather you weren’t here now. Jorge would rather stay home tonight. We would rather that you call tonight. Mayra would rather drink coffee than Coke. Ricardo would rather not be here. Ritsuko would rather that we didn't leave now, but we must go to work. Roberto would rather that we hadn't left yesterday.
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in the following sentences.
1. We would rather_____________ (stay) home tonight. 2. Mr. Jones would rather_____________ (stay) home last night. 3. The policeman would rather_____________ (work) on Saturday than on Sunday. 4. Maria would rather that we_____________ (study) more than we do. 5. George would rather_____________ (study) tonight. 6. The photographer would rather_____________ (have) more light yesterday. 7. The photographer would rather that we_____________ (stand) closer together. 8. Carmen would rather_____________ (cook) yesterday. 9. She would rather that you_____________ (arrive) last night. 10. John would rather _____________ (sleep) than worked last night.