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William Bradford, governor of Plymouth Colony


William Bradford, governor of Plymouth Colony

William Bradford served as governor of Plymouth Colony for more than 30 years, A) ___ that became the authoritative account of the Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony.

When the Mayflower departed from Plymouth, England on September 6, 1620, William and his wife were on board the ship. It took B) ___ on November 9. Early that December, Bradford joined an expedition C) ___. When Bradford returned to the Mayflower, he learned that his wife had fallen from the ship’s deck and drowned in the frigid waters…

The Mayflower sailed south from Provincetown and arrived at D) ___ on December 20. They began building the colony’s first houses, but many of them were soon struck by an illness E) ___. Half of the company died that first harsh winter, including John Carver, the colony’s first governor. Bradford, who fell ill but survived, was elected to succeed Carver in April 1621. He F) ___, and except for a five-year interval would serve as governor of Plymouth Colony until his death more than 35 years later.


1. their settlement site in Plymouth Bay

2. chronicling his experiences in a journal

3. that had begun spreading aboard the ship

4. a newly arrived young widow with two sons

5. was reelected more than 30 times

6. to explore the region and find the best place to settle

7. them66 days to cross the Atlantic before sighting land






A-2, B-7, C-6, D-1, E-3, F-5


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