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Video quiz questions (printable)

1) What is a phobia?

Answer the question using your own words

2) According to the American National Institute of Mental Health, the most common fears are of _____.

· heights

· spiders

· water

· flying

· snakes


Fill the gap: Turophobia is a totally irrational fear of ________________________

4) Turophopics " run for the hills" when the waiter hangs over them with the parmesan. What do you think this means?

· They faint.

· They run away.

· They want to get away from.

· They have palpitations.

5) A British Turophobic said that mozzarella was more frightening than other cheeses.

· True

· False

6) Omphalophobia is a fear of the navel, or belly button.

· True

· False

7) These people can't abide anyone going near their belly button. What do you understand by " abide"?

· don't mind

· can't stand

· don't tolerate

· can't bear

8) They're also afraid of other people's navel.

· True

· False


Put the words in order: she sick student A has doctor attacks when someone's navel. sees panic and is


Put the words in order: a get if to doctor become struggle that. doesn't she may over She

11) Papaphobia is a fear of potatoes.

· True

· False

12) When these people see the Pope, they _____.

· have palpitations

· perspire

· tremble

· feel sick at the stomach.

13) Xanax is some anti-anxiety medication.

· True

· False


Put the words in order: or is of being without to cellphone, connection Internet. the a fear Nomophobia charge, your

15) These sufferers never lose sight of their device.

· True

· False


Correct the wrong word: These people are terrified of being without their device.

17) Who suffers more of nomophobia in the UK - men or women?

Answer the question using your own words

18) Which is NOT a synonym of " withdrawal"?

· disengagement

· abandonment

· remainder

· retirement


Put the words in order: anything. was be created as box as That addictive to


Fill the gap: Ephebiphobia is an irrational fear of ________________________ or ________________________ people.

21) Apparently, this aversion is _____.

· increasing

· decreasing


Fill the gap: Grown-ups tell kids that they're ________________________ and too easily ________________________


Put the words in order: is of Phagophobia fear the irrational swallowing.

24) It is related to a fear of eating and putting on weight.

· True

· False


Put the words in order: very could food water, expel They medications, or so it's serious.


Fill the gap: Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of ________________________

27) There are fears of other numbers.

· True

· False


Fill the gap: Number 13 is mostly related to ________________________ sometimes related to myths or ________________________

29) Some businesses leave out the number 13 in _____. Which is NOT mentioned?

· floors

· parking lots

· aisles

· rooms

· chairs


Fill the gap: Ablutophobia means being terrified of ________________________ or ________________________


Put the words in order: experiences a It's to be traumatic related to as bathing. child when thought


Correct the wrong word: Dextrophobia is the fear of having things to the left of you.


Put the words in order: the home left the Sufferers things office will all clutter in to side. or


Fill the gap: They don't like ________________________ to the left of people or even ________________________ in the left lane.

35) Levophobia is the opposite of dextrophobia.

· True

· False


Fill the gap: Phobophobia is the fear of ________________________


Match the items:

and be aware of something bad about to happen.
their heart will pound, will feel dizzy and tense,
The anxiety forms they will sweat,
and then suddenly the person it sounds like a panic attack.
From the description, in the unconscious,

38) It's just as common as the other phobias on this list.

· True

· False



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