Exercise 219.Choose the right variant with the following verbs. A remember 1. Remember (to look/looking) ahead when driving. 2. When you go on that mission please remember (to point out/pointing out) to people there that our stand on this issue remains the same. — I won't fail to do that. 3. Do you remember (to meet/meeting) them last summer? 4. Remember (to phone/phoning) as soon as arrive. 5. The policeman asked me if I clearly remembered (to lock/ locking) the door before I went to bed. 6. 1 remember (to pay/paying) him. I gave him two pounds. 7. Did you remember (to give/giving) him the key to the safe? — No, I didn't. I'll go and do it now. 8. 1 don't remember ever (to see/seeing) you. 9. She does not remember (to ask/asking) this question. 10. We remember (to stay/ staying) a weekend with her. She is a nice woman. 11. When you are on holiday remember (to send/sending) postcards to a few close friends. Вregret 1. 1 regret (to tell/telling) you all the tickets for this performance have been sold. 2. He's always regretted (not to learn/not learning) to play a musical instrument. 3. They regret (to fail/failing) to understand the importance of your proposal. 4. 1 regret (to inform/ informing) you that your application has been rejected. 5. 1 don't regret (to quarrel/quarrelling) with him. 6. The manager regrets (to say/saying) that your proposal has been turned down. 7. We regret (to miss/missing) this film. It is worth seeing. 8. 1 regret (to say/saying) I won't be able to come. 9. She regrets (not to be able/not being able) say goodbye to him. 10. If you regret (to do/doing) something, you are sorry about an action in the past. Сbe (get) used to/used to 1. He used to (be/being) good at mathematics. 2. 1 got used to (get up/getting up) very early. 3. In the Dark Ages people used to (think/thinking) that the sun goes round the earth. 4. He wasn't used to (work/working) late at night. 5. He used to (study/studying) late at night when a youth. 6. She was used to (wander/wandering) about the fields by herself. 7. In my childhood my aunt used to (bring/bringing) little presents for me. 8. He quickly got used to (have/having) a good meal and nice suits. 9. He used to (say/saying) that there was nothing like warm crisp brown bread spread with honey. 10. The mother was used to (do/doing) all the work about the house alone. 11. The mother used to (do/doing) all the work about the house, D try 1. Why don't you try (to lose/losing) some weight? 2. He tried (to go/going) to evening classes but his Englishwas still hopeless, 3. She tried (to explain/explaining) the situation but he refused to listen and went on grumbling. 4. Do stop talking, I am trying (to write/ writing) a letter. 5. He tried (to persuade/persuading) them to sign a contract. 6. Try (to forget/forgetting) it, it is not worth worrying about. 7. 1 tried (to catch/ catching) his eye, but he sat motionless. 8. He tried (to cook/cooking) but failed. 9. They had tried (to introduce/ introducing) many other methods in return to the initial one. E stop 1. If you stop (to do/doing) something, you finish an action. 2. If you stop (to do/doing) something, you interrupt one action in order to do something else. 3. We stopped (to buy/buying) food in the store because the owner raised the prices. 4. We stopped (to buy/buying) food in the store because we were hungry. 5. Do stop (to make/making) this awful noise! 6. We've only stopped (to buy/buying) some petrol. 7. They stopped (to produce/ producing) refrigerators because of their workers' strike. 8. He suddenly stopped (to speak/speaking), got up and left without saying anything. F be afraid to/be afraid of 1. I'm afraid (to take/taking) an exam because I'm afraid (to fail/failing) it. 2. He was afraid (to leave/ leaving) the house because he was afraid (to meet/meeting) someone who might recognise him. 3. He was afraid (to say/saying) a word because he did not know anybody. 4. 1 am afraid (to go/going) by plane. 5. He was afraid (to tell/telling) her the sad news. 6. My sister is such a coward! She can't see horror films because she is afraid (to meet/ meeting) a ghost at night. 7. He was afraid (to make/ making) the next step because he was afraid (to fall/falling) because he was standing on the brink of the precipice. G can't help 1. It is silly of me, but I can't help (to feel/feeling) anxious. 2. 1 can't help (to laugh/laughing)) at his jokes. 3. They can't help him (to do/doing) the exercise. 4. She could not help (to be attracted/being attracted) by the fact that she was being looked at. 5. He couldn't help his son (to solve/solving) the problem. 6. She couldn't help (to phone/phoning) her mother when she heard the news.