Exercise 215.. Exercise 216.Exercise 215. Fill in the blanks with proper gerunds (use the verbs in the box).
1, He has succeeded in___a difficult task and we areproud of him. 2. You should ask him for help. It seems tome that he is very good at___everything. 3, Mr. Grimsbyhasn't got enough experience. I am against___in ourwork and I object___to the conference. 4. The audience burst out___at the sight of the monkey going throughdifferent tricks. 5. Do you know he has given up___? 6. 1don't insist on ___there by plane. 7. Though nobodysuspected him of___, his companions accused him of_______them when he was responsible for___goods for their company. 8. They are engaged in___new people for theirfirm. 9. Why do you persist in___him? 10. He is fed upwith___alone. He is looking forward to his family___in two days. 11. They prevented us from___rash steps. 12. She feels like___too much when she drinks a glass of champagne. 13. He decided against___her again.
Exercise 216. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where necessary. 1. The policeman accused him ___exceeding thespeed limit. 2. She has been dreaming___flying to theBahamas. 3. The rain prevented him___going to thecountry. 4. They have decided___buying a new car. 5. He succeeded___being promoted. 6. 1 feel___staying at home. It is rather cold. Let's watch a new film on TVinstead___going to the picnic. 7. She is fed_______staying in the village. 8. He went to the disco despite___having a headache. 9. She is looking_______playingthe leading part in the performance. 10. 1 think it's nouse ___ trying to get him home. 11. Everybodycongratulated her___passing the exam so well. 12. He is not very good___taking decisions quickly. 13. Theydon't approve___her getting married to James. 14. Thepolice suspect him___drug smuggling. 15. We have difficulty___installing the new equipment.