#Bad Luck. 4. What dish was a girl making when she scrapped Teflon off the pan?. 5. What bird dropped a huge slice of ham on the person’s face?. 6. Who did the man send a message to instead of his girlfriend?. TELL ME YOUR OPINION. 3. What hit a car in th ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 #Bad Luck link to the video: https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=9s_4gp6FlIw
3. What hit a car in the tweet by SonjaDay11? a) a microwave b) a bathtub c) a fridge d) a table 4. What dish was a girl making when she scrapped Teflon off the pan? _________________________________________ 5. What bird dropped a huge slice of ham on the person’s face? a) a swan b) an eagle c) an owl d) a seagull 6. Who did the man send a message to instead of his girlfriend? ________________________________________________________________
3. What hit a car in the tweet by SonjaDay11? e) a microwave f) a bathtub g) a fridge h) a table 4. What dish was a girl making when she scrapped Teflon off the pan? __________ mashed potatoes _____________________ 5. What bird dropped a huge slice of ham on the person’s face? e) a swan f) an eagle g) an owl h) a seagull 6. Who did the man send a message to instead of his girlfriend? ____________his mother_________________________________