LAW SCHOOL. DEPARTMENT OF JURISPRUDENCE. THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Syllabus. September 2021– January2022Term. Brief Course Outline (32contact hours). Unit 1. Weather. Unit 2. People. Unit 3. The MediaСтр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒ LAW SCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF JURISPRUDENCE THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE
Syllabus September 2021– January2022Term Instructor: Inessa Klamer, Yefremova Elena, Svetlana Lyamzina, Maria Smetanina, Svetlana Suvorova,, George Samarkin E-mail: in. klamer@gmail. com, svetlana. lyamzin@mail. ru, poteryaeva@yandex. ru, smetaninamaria11january@yandex. ru Course Location: Room 4-18, Maerchaka str. 6 Course Description: It is a multi-skills course and it aims at developing the student’s proficiency in language and communication skills. The course is designed to provide listening, speaking, reading and writing in English at pre-intermediate level.
Course book: I. Lebeau, G. ReesLanguage Leader (Pre-intermediate). Prospect, 2012.
UsefulResources: ЭОК «Иностранныйязык»https: //e. sfu-kras. ru/course/view. php? id=22406 The Oxford English Dictionary Online www. askoxford. com/dictinaries. Cambridge Dictionaries Online www. //dictionary. cambridge. org. ABBY Lingvo www. lingvo. yandex. ru. Dictionary Link www. dictionarylink. com.
Brief Course Outline (32contact hours)