SPACE EXPLORATION. B – Translate some the sentences, with the help of a dictionary, and write them in your notebook.. REASONS . .SPACE EXPLORATION ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 SPACE EXPLORATION A - Read the sentences below and put their number in the corresponding part of the table. B – Translate some the sentences, with the help of a dictionary, and write them in your notebook. REASONS... ... SPACE EXPLORATION
1. We may encounter unknown risks that may harm cultures on Earth. 2. We may find new sources of energy. 3. It’s inspirational; it drives the human spirit. 4. In times of recession it is vital for us to gather and protect our financial resources. 5. Exploring other worlds is not a responsible act for people who have not learned to deal with their own environment. 6. It answers scientific questions. 7. It’s human characteristic: to seek and discover. 8. It seeks to satisfy philosophical questions: Why are we here? Where are we going? 9. It is senseless to spend billions exploring space when we know so little about this world. 10. The space program creates jobs. 11. Humanity makes progress by exploring the unknown. 12. It’s the greater frontier of the future. 13. Our destiny as a species is right here on this planet. 14. Too many people don’t have the basics, that’s why we can’t afford frills[1] like the space program. 15. Just because humans have the need to explore, it doesn’t mean it’s a good thing; in fact, history has proved that colonization disrupts or destroys cultures. 16. We may find new sources of raw materials. 17. Space exploration is as monumental as buildings Gothic Cathedrals or the Parthenon. It touches the soul. 18. Manned flights are too dangerous. 19. The money should be spent on more urgent things, like providing clean water and medicines for the poorer 20. It’s important to discover more about our solar system. 21. We may destroy our planet with all these experiments. 22. No humans should ever leave Earth. 23. We can discover water and life in outer space in order to help us to survive. 24. Space travel has medical spin-offs[2].
[1] frills – things that are not necessary but are added to make sth more attractive or interesting. [2] spin-off – an unexpected but useful result of an activity that is designed to produce sth else.