ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕ ПОСОБИЯ!. Подобного материала в продаже НЕТ!. Some people think young people should follow the traditions of their society.Стр 1 из 4Следующая ⇒ ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕ ПОСОБИЯ! Подобного материала в продаже НЕТ! 1. Задание 40 (ЕГЭ. ) Банк тематических аргументов для написания Эссе - 38 тем (300 страниц). - 700 руб.
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Some people think young people should follow the traditions of their society. A controversy exists whether the young generation should live according to the social norms and traditions or they should be left free to express their individualism in their behaviour. Both arguments are significant in nature, and hence a thorough discussion is needed before framing a logical conclusion. The former group emphasises the significance of following the traditional values by the youngsters by pointing at the lack of morality in the current society. They believe that a set of morals and good principles are embedded in the traditions, which is very essential in the life of the present young generation. For instance, in many cultures, people respect the aged population and facilitate them appropriately. It can be seen that many youngsters are disrespectful and disobedient to their elders, and this character might have not there if they would have followed the invaluable traditions of their predecessors. On the contrary, others feel that the freedom of youth to express themselves in the society should not be restricted. To be precise, almost every youngster has his own individuality, which has to be recognised and respected. He should be given ample opportunities to explore himself, and that is how changes happen in the society. For instance, fashion, food habits, work routine and even the way which people socialize are constantly changing, and this is because of the impact of the youth in these areas. Therefore, for an advancing culture and a pro-thinking society, youth should be given freedom to behave as individuals. After analysing both the views in detail, I feel it is beneficial for a person when he follows only the positive aspects of traditions. At the same time, it is ideal for an individual to consider the social norms when behaving independently.