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Gauss ' name is associated with fundamental research in almost all major areas of mathematics: algebra, number theory, differential and non-Euclidean geometry, mathematical analysis, the theory of functions of a complex variable, probability theory, as well as in analytical and celestial mechanics, astronomy, physics and geodesy[9]. " In each area, the depth of insight into the material, the boldness of thought, and the significance of the result were striking. Gauss was called the " king of mathematicians" " [20] (Latin: Princeps mathematicorum). Gauss was extremely strict about his printed works and never published even outstanding results if he considered his work on this topic incomplete. On his personal seal was an image of a tree with several fruits, under the motto: " Pauca sed matura" (a little, but Mature) [21]. A study of the Gauss archive showed that he was slow to publish a number of his discoveries, and as a result he was outpaced by other mathematicians. Here is an incomplete list of priorities that he missed. • Non-Euclidean geometry, where he was ahead of Lobachevsky and Boyai, but did not dare to publish his results[22]. * Elliptical functions, where he also went far, but did not have time to print anything, and after the work of Jacobi and Abel, there was no need for publication. * A substantial outline of the theory of quaternions, independently discovered by Hamilton 20 years later. • The least squares method, rediscovered later by Legendre. • The law of distribution of Prime numbers, with which it was also preceded by Legendre's publication. Several students, students of Gauss, became outstanding mathematicians, for example: Riemann, Dedekind, Bessel, Moebius.