Biography 1777-1798 yearsBiography 1777-1798 years Born in the German Duchy of Braunschweig. Gauss's grandfather was a poor farmer; his father, Gebhard Dietrich Gauss, was a gardener, bricklayer, and canal supervisor; and his mother, Dorothea Benz, was the daughter of a bricklayer. Being illiterate, the mother did not write down the date of birth of her son, remembering only that he was born on Wednesday, eight days before the ascension holiday, which is celebrated 40 days after Easter. In 1799, Gauss calculated the exact date of his birth, developing a method for determining the date of Easter for any year Already at the age of two, the boy proved to be a child Prodigy. At the age of three, he could read and write, even correcting his father's arithmetic mistakes. There is a story in which a young Gauss performed an arithmetic calculation much faster than all his classmates; usually when describing this episode, the calculation of the sum of numbers from 1 to 100 is mentioned, but the source of this is unknown. Until his old age, he was used to doing most of the calculations in his mind. 1816-1855 years 1820: Gauss is commissioned to make a geodetic survey of Hanover. For this purpose, he developed appropriate computational methods (including the method of practical application of his method of least squares), which led to the creation of a new scientific direction — higher geodesy, and organized the survey of the area and mapping[9]. 1821: in connection with the work on geodesy, Gauss begins a historical cycle of work on the theory of surfaces. Science includes the concept of " Gaussian curvature". The beginning of differential geometry. It was Gauss's results that inspired Riemann to write his classic dissertation on " Riemannian geometry". The result of Gauss's research was the work " Studies concerning curved surfaces" (1822). It was freely used in General curvilinear coordinates on the surface. Gauss developed the method of conformal mapping, which preserves angles in cartography (but distorts distances); it is also used in Aero-, hydrodynamics, and electrostatics.
1824: elected a foreign honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. 1825: discovers Gaussian complex integers, builds a theory of divisibility and comparisons for them. Successfully applies them to solve high-degree comparisons. 1829: in a remarkable work " On a new General law of mechanics", consisting of only four pages, Gauss justifies [17] a new variational principle of mechanics — the principle of least compulsion. The principle applies to mechanical systems with ideal connections and is formulated by Gauss as follows: " the movement of a system of material points connected to each other in an arbitrary way and subject to any influence, at each moment occurs in the most perfect possible agreement with the movement that these points would have if they all became free, that is, occurs with the least possible compulsion, if as a measure of compulsion applied during an infinitesimal instant, take the sum of the products of the mass of each point by the square of its deviation from the position it would occupy if it were free" [18]. 1831: his second wife died, and Gauss developed severe insomnia. The 27-year-old talented physicist Wilhelm Weber, whom Gauss met in 1828 while visiting Humboldt, came to gö ttingen on Gauss's initiative. The two science enthusiasts become friends, despite their age difference, and begin a cycle of research on electromagnetism. 1832: " the Theory of biquadratic deductions". Using the same integer complex Gaussian numbers, important arithmetic theorems are proved not only for complex numbers, but also for real numbers. Here, Gauss gives a geometric interpretation of complex numbers, which from this point on becomes generally accepted. 1833: Gauss invents the electric Telegraph and (with Weber) builds a working model of it. One thousand eight hundred thirty seven: Weber is fired for refusing to take the oath of office to the new king of Hanover. Gauss is left alone again. Russian Russian language in 1839: 62-year-old Gauss mastered the Russian language and in letters to the St. Petersburg Academy asked to send him Russian magazines and books, in particular " the Captain's daughter" by Pushkin. It is assumed that this is due to Gauss's interest in the works of Lobachevsky, who in 1842, on the recommendation of Gauss, was elected a foreign corresponding member of the Royal society of gö ttingen. In the same 1839 year, Gauss in his essay " General theory of forces of attraction and repulsion acting inversely proportional to the square of distance" outlined the basics of potential theory, including a number of fundamental propositions and theorems — for example, the basic theorem of electrostatics (Gauss's theorem) [19]. 1840: in the work " Dioptric studies" Gauss developed a theory of image construction in complex optical systems[19]. Gauss died on 23 February 1855 in gö ttingen. King George V of Hanover ordered a medal to be minted in honor of Gauss, which was engraved with a portrait of Gauss and the honorary title " Mathematicorum Princeps" — " king of mathematicians".