Rules for contacting the psychological support department for students and staff of NSU ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Rules for contacting the psychological support department for students and staff of NSU Services for the provision of psychological and psycho-emotional support
1) The pre-psychological assistance group " You are not alone"
The pre-psychological assistance group " You are not alone" is a community of trained volunteer psychologists who provide counseling and basic psycho-emotional support to participants in the educational process in various life situations.
1. Submit a request for our Google Forms: https: //forms. gle/aV8kJkNJ6Shh4JsJ7
2. Within 2 days one of the student volunteers will contact you (the selection of a volunteer is based on the specifics of your application
Volunteers took specialized courses that help them competently respond to your request, understanding their own capabilities and limitations!
Important! Studentvolunteersarenotprofessionalpsychologists.
2) Professional psychological service Students can get help from professional psychologists on any issue related to their psychological state, academic problems or communication problems.
1. Submit a request for our Google Forms: https: //forms. gle/ZUjuqqwypjtpiacE8
2. Psychologists will contact you to agree on a consultation time within 3 days, exceptions are weekends and holidays. It is possible to conduct a consultation in English! Important! Meetings with a psychologist are confidential, with the exception of the risk to the life and health of the applicant or his environment, information can be disclosed in order to preserve their life and health.