IV. Развитиенавыковговоренияпотеме.IV. Развитиенавыковговоренияпотеме. УА: OK. Try to do your best and speak about the geographical position of Russia. 1. Continue my sentences: • The official name of the country is … • The Russian Federation is the … in the world. • In the south Russia borders on … • In the west it borders on … • It has also a sea border with … • There is a hardly a country in the world where … 2. Say if it is true or false. If it is wrong, correct the sentence: • Russia has 12 time zones. • Russia stretches from the Baltic Sea in the East to the Atlantic Ocean. • Russia has a wide range of scenery and climate. • Taiga is a thick forest with a lot of oaks. • Steppes cover the north of Russia. 3. Prove that: • the Russian Federation is the largest country of the world; • Russia is connected with the Atlantic Ocean; • our country is washed by 3 oceans; • there is a natural border between Europe and Asia; • there are various types of climate. V. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок Домашнее задание: найдите информацию о государственных символах России. Ирина Кузьминична Слюнина, МО