Fill in the gaps.. Facts about RussiaСтр 1 из 6Следующая ⇒ Fill in the gaps. Facts about Russia Russia is the largest country in the world. It takes (1)__________ hours to cross it by plane! A train journey from Moscow to Vladivostok on the Transsiberian Express takes six days! Russia has 10 time zones. When people in Kaliningrad are having (2)_________ people in Vladivostok are going to bed! Russia stretches from the Baltic Sea in the West to the Pacific Ocean in the East and from the Northern Arctic Ocean to the deserts of Central Asia. Russian rivers are long. The Volga is the longest river in Europe. Russia has a wide range of scenery and climates, too. It has harsh winters with lots of (3)__________, but the summers are quite warm. The temperature is +20° to -25° C. Lake Baikal is 636 km (4)_______________ and 80 km wide. It is the world’s biggest fresh water reservoir. The water is very (5)________________. You can see the bottom of the lake through 30–40 m of water. Mount Elbrus (18, 481 ft/5, 633 m), in the Caucasus is the highest peak in the country. Steppes cover all of the south of Russia, from the Black Sea to the Altai Mountains on the Chinese border. Some of the steppes have rich (7)____________ soil. Almost (8)____________ per cent of Russia is in tundra. There aren’t any trees there. It is frozen for most of the year. Reindeer live there. Taiga is a thick forest with a lot of dark pine, fir, and cedar (9)_____________. Many species of wildlife live there. УА: Well, it was difficult but you have done it. It was mentioned thаt Russiа is situated on two continents – Europe and Asia. Is that correct? Let’s ask your teacher of geography. УГ: Понятия “материк” и “частьсвета”. Материки – участки суши, расположенные среди океана. Часть света – материк или часть материка с расположенными вблизи островами. УА: So, we have understood that Russia is located in two parts of the world (Europe, Asia) but on one continent (Eurasia). Have you remembered? Can you repeat?