Everything you say and show, kids repeat and show after you in a chorus. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
TEACHER'S INSTRUCTIONS TO TEACH THE CHANT: Everything you say and show, kids repeat and show after you in a chorus. page 1 – Say the first 2 lines (Here comes Mr. Easter bunny. ) and swing with one hand like in a circle wide across from back to front. – (Hopping down the trail. ) Jump- hop like a rabbit. page 2 – (Wiggling his ears. ) Show with both hands on head and wiggle with fingers. – (Wiggling his tail. ) Show with both hands behind your back and wiggle with fingers for a tail. page 3 – (Hurry Mr. Easter bunny! ) Show, hint with a hand. – (Deliver all your eggs. ) Show with a hand as reaching into a basket and deliver eggs all sides around (I do it 3 times by rhythm= 1deliver-2all your-3eggs). page 4 – (Then hop down the bunny trail. ) Hop again around the place. – (On your Easter bunny legs. ) Show with both hands on legs.
For the end kids colour- all pages + bunny's family, his biggest egg and home and make a mini book out of it. How to make a minibook? 1. Nicer and more solid minibook, but takes more time: Cut pages by pairs (0-0, 1-2, 3-4, 5-6). 0-0 is the back and front of the mini book, all other glue inside (1 on 0, 2 on 3…) 2. Fast version: Or you can do a minibook without a glue, just fold all sides, cut and push in. I pasted you instructions picture below from the web page Notredamke.
chant presented on the seminar Vransko in Slovenia by: Tom Majer