UAALT 4 Rokyni Open-Air Museum, Volyn region 28.07 - 10.08.2019 Reno/Cult 15 vols (18+) ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6 UAALT 4 Rokyni Open-Air Museum, Volyn region 28. 07 - 10. 08. 2019 Reno/Cult 15 vols (18+) Project partner: International Non-Governmental Union “Volynske Bratstvo”. Project: Rokyni Open-Air museum was established around 37 years ago in a beautiful village with lake and picturesque surroundings. Today Rokyni Open-Air museum looks like a street of a small village of Volyn region in the XIX century. The outdoor exhibitions are some common Volyn mansions around which were created homesteading with barn, stables, wells and fences. There are windmill, bath and smithy dates from 1875 year. Volyn Skansen in Rokyni is a cultural-educational centre, that shows to visitors Ukrainian culture, exhibits of national heritage, protects architecture objects of the past times, keep folk Ukrainian traditions, customs and rituals. In 2017- 2018 there were successful international voluntary camps. You can watch a short videos about previous years camps on these links: https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=loUd7v_g3Y0& t=54s https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=kOJ8Ea-vJEs Work: Volunteers will provide help to museum staff doing different activities: to renew (painting, maintenance) outdoor look of Museum (mansions, informational signs, stands), to perform landscaping work, to braid fences of willow and another activities for improvement of Museum territory. As one of the main objectives of the project is to raise awareness of the local community on the issues related to the Ukrainian Heritage, so all volunteers will be invited to take part in planned workshops. Accommodation/Food: will be organized in a former summer children camp. Breakfast will be prepared by volunteers. Lunch and dinner will be provided. Location: Rokyni (12 km from Lutsk). Terminal: Lutsk. Nearest Airport: Lviv. Leisure time: Lutsk has a lot of places of interests that is why you will not feel lack of historical places to visit: castle, monasteries, church. Bus trips to Lutsk can be organized. There are special squares for sport activities, so volunteers are welcomed to enjoy playing volleyball and football. You can do swimming and sunbathing near lake. What to bring: cap, working gloves, working clothes, musical instruments, detailed information about your country, national games, good mood and motivation. Language: English. Extra fee: 30 Euro