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(12) United States Patent von Andrian et al.

(io) Patent No.:     US 9, 539, 210 B2

(45) Date of Patent:         Jan. 10, 2017


(71) Applicants: Massachusetts Institute of

Technology, Cambridge, MA (US); The Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Inc., Boston, MA (US); President and Fellows of Harvard College, Cambridge, MA (US); The Children’s Medical Center Corporation, Boston, MA (US)

(72) Inventors: Ulrich H. von Andrian, Chestnut Hill,

MA (US); Omid C. Farokhzad, Waban, MA (US); Robert S. Langer, Newton, MA (US); Tobias Junt, Schorndorf (DE); Elliott Ashley Moseman, Jamaica Plain, MA (US); Liangfang Zhang, San Diego, CA (US); Pamela Basto, Cambridge, MA (US); Matteo Iannacone, Milan (IT); Frank Alexis, Greenville, SC (US)

(73) Assignees: Massachusetts Institute of

Technology, Cambridge, MA (US); The Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Inc., Boston, MA (US); President and Fellows of Harvard College, Cambridge, MA (US); The Children’s Medical Center Corporation, Boston, MA (US)

( * ) Notice:      Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this

patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U. S. C. 154(b) by 0 days.

(21) Appl. No.: 13/844, 382

(22) Filed:     Mar. 15, 2013

(65)                      Prior Publication Data

US 2014/0314865 Al Oct. 23, 2014

Related U. S. Application Data

(63) Continuation of application No. 12/681, 814, filed as application No. PCT/US2008/011932 on Oct. 12, 2008.

(60) Provisional application No. 60/979, 596, filed on Oct. 12, 2007.

(51) Int. Cl.

A61K 39/00               (2006. 01)

A61K 47/00               (2006. 01)

A61K 9/14                 (2006. 01)

A61K 47/48               (2006. 01)

A61K 39/39               (2006. 01)

A61K 39/12               (2006. 01)

(52) U. S. Cl.

CPC.................... A61K.. 9/14 (2013. 01); A61K 39/00

(2013. 01); A61K 39/0011 (2013. 01); A61K
(2013. 01); A61K 39/39 (2013. 01); A61K
(2013. 01); A61K 47/48915
(2013. 01); A61K 2039/555(2013. 01); A61K
(2013. 01)

(58) Field of Classification Search

CPC....................... A61K 2039/555; A61K 2039/60;

A61K 39/00; A61K 39/0011; A61K
39/12; A61K 39/39; A61K
47/48815; A61K 47/48915

USPC.............................. 424/501,.. 184. 1, 275. 1, 489

See application file for complete search history.

(56)                     References Cited


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4, 790, 824 A 12/1988 Morrow
4, 795, 436 A 1/1989 Robinson
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CA                2453959        1/2003

CA                2649149 Al 10/2007



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Primary Examiner — Janet Epps-Smith

(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Pabst Patent Group LLP

(57)                         ABSTRACT

The present invention provides compositions and systems for delivery of nanocarriers to cells of the immune system. The invention provides vaccine nanocarriers capable of stimulating an immune response in T cells and/or В cells, in some embodiments, comprising at least one immunomodu­latory agent, and optionally comprising at last one targeting moiety and optionally at least one immuno stimulatory agent. The invention provides pharmaceutical compositions com­prising inventive vaccine nanocarriers. The present inven­tion provides methods of designing, manufacturing, and using inventive vaccine nanocarriers and pharmaceutical compositions thereof. The invention provides methods of prophylaxis and/or treatment of diseases, disorders, and conditions comprising administering at least one inventive vaccine nanocarrier to a subject in need thereof.

17 Claims, 53 Drawing Sheets

US 9, 539, 210 B2

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