


Случайная статья

Now, compare these animals.


Look at these animals. Write the correct comparative form.




  African wild dog                                                Fennec fox


1. The African wild dog is___________(fast) than the Fennec fox.

2. The Fennec fox`s tail is___________(long) than the African wild dog.

3. The African wild dog is___________(tall) than the Fennec fox.

4. The African wild dog is___________(thin) than the Fennec fox.

5. The Fennec fox`s ears are___________(big) than the African wild dog`s ears.


Now, compare these animals.




    Peccary                                                    Tortoise

  1. The tortoise is ___________________ than the peccary.
  2. The peccary is ___________________ than the tortoise.
  3. The tortoise is___________________ than the peccary.
  4. The peccary is___________________ than the tortoise.
  5. The tortoise`s legs are ___________________ than the peccary`s legs.
  6. The peccary is ___________________ than the tortoise.
  7. The tortoise is ___________________ than the peccary.
  8. The tortoise is ___________________ than the peccary.


Get ready for this! You are now going to write your own sentences comparing these two strange spiders. Show us how much you have learnt. GOOD LUCK!



    Lizard                                                             Tarantula


1. ___________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________




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