Quote from the texts to support your choice.
A. Are these statements TRUE or FALSE? Quote from the texts to support your choice. 1. £ Harry Potter’s hair is dark. ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. £ He has got a pet. ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. £ Hermione is a clever girl. ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. £ She is quite friendly. ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. £ Ron doesn’t like spiders. ____________________________________________________________________________ 6. £ He enjoys studying.
1. What is Harry’s nationality? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. When is his birthday? _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
C. Fill in this chart about Hermione with information from the text.
D. Choose ( R ) the correct ending, according to Ron’s text.
1. Ron has got … a) * … a pet spider. b) * … fair hair. c) * … big green eyes.
2. He isn’t … a) * … shy. b) * … redhead. c) * … a good student. 3. He is… a) * … tall and plump. b) * … short and plain. c) * … tall and slim.
4. Ron enjoys … a) * … reading. b) * … Quidditch. c) * … homework.