Hannah Montana:Onthe Road AgainСтр 1 из 5Следующая ⇒ Hannah Montana: Onthe Road Again
PART 1 – Complete withthepast simple, pastcontinuousorpastperfectform of theverbs in brackets. 1. Hannah ____________ (try)to pack hersuitcasewhenherfather _________ (ask)herifshewasready. 2. Hannah ________ (give) Maddiephonebooks to addweight. 3. Maddie________ (go) to theconcertbecauseHannah ____________ (give)her tickets to go. 4. Hannah’s dad ______________ (be) a verysuccessfulmusicanbeforebecoming a father. 5. Hannah __________ (feel) badabout holding his dad back at theend of thescene. PART 2 – WriteTrue or False. 1. Lily’s dad hadbeenanaccountantbefore he became a dad. 2. Miley saidsheknewherfatherdidn’twant to be a musiciananymore. 3. Robbiethoughtthathis manager hadforgottenabouthim. 4. Martyisverygood at lying. 5. Jackson didn’twanthisfather to performagain.
PART 3 – Listen and complete thelines. 1. Miley: It’sjust so selfish. I can’teven _________ at you. 2. Jackson: I did a Little research, made a fewphonecalls, and I think I came up withtheperfect ________. 3. Miley: I knowtheway I feelwhenI’mon ________. Don’tyourememberthatfeeling? 4. Roxy: Don’tworry, hotstuff. Roxywilltakecare of ____________.
PART 4– Choosethecorrectoption: past simple, continuous, orperfect? 1. Martygotmadbecausehis car ran / was running. 2. Roxy said / wassaying shewouldn’tlet he reyes off Miley and Jackson, and shewasserious. 3. Whiletheyweretrying to sneakout, Roxy grabbed / hadgrabbed them. 4. Miley and Jackson were sleeping / hadslept whenRoxywokethem up.
1. Lily: I stillcan’tbelieveyour dad wasonstagelastweek. 2. Miley: BecauseRoxyishere. She has hereyesonus. 3. Oliver: Nowyou’rejustscared. 4. Roxy: Roxyislike a tiger.
PART 6 – Complete thesentences. 1. Jackson wasdoingexercisewhenhisfriends … 2. Jackson wasgettingready to gowhenRoxy… 3. Robbiewasperformingwhenhischildren ….
1. Whydid Jackson lie? 2. Whydid Miley leavetheroom? 3. Howdidtheyallfeel at theend of theepisode?