1)Watch and complete the story with the words given and the past form of the verbs. Pictures will help you ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
https: //www. youtube. com/watch? time_continue=44& v=YCaGYUIfdy4& feature=emb_logo
Name: ________________________________________________ 1)Watch and complete the story with the words given and the past form of the verbs. Pictures will help you https: //youtu. be/YCaGYUIfdy4 A boy [BE] going on _____________ It [BE] _________________ He then [SEE ] two cat ______________ So Grey cat [HAVE] a ____________ The birds[HELP] ________ him. They [POOP]____________ on his owner and Grey Cat [GET] ________time to go on vacation with them!!!