A set of sense blocks that typically consist of all complaints in EnglishA set of sense blocks that typically consist of all complaints in English
• Clarification of the essence of the complaint with the indication of the actual material: date, place, amount, document number and the like; • Explain the reason for the complaint by giving the facts of what you were promised and what you actually received; • Expressing your feelings about what happened with what you think is supposed to be the reason for the misunderstanding; • A description of the own actions that have been taken to solve the problem; • The requirement of explanations and explanations about the incident, the requirement of moral and material compensation and compensation for the losses suffered; • Warning about the measures you will take if your claims are not satisfied; • Standard phrase ending the letter; • Signature, name and position.
Block # 1. We explain the reason for the complaint and rely on the actual material (dates, amounts, order number, etc. )
Block # 2. We explain the reason for the complaint, compare the promised obligations (services, service, order fulfillment, etc. ) and real circumstances.