Good afternoon! Today we have asked 5 people to give us a short interview and share their opinions about life in big cities. Now we would like to present their opinions to you.
Вариант 1. Задание 1. Text A. Dear Friends! The week of documentary films which we held last month attracted lots of attention. Today we are starting a new event and we are happy to see you here at our exhibition of contemporary art. In the week ahead, you are going to enjoy the works of our local artists. Instead of lottery this time we are going to reward all our guests. Next Sunday on the last day of our exhibition everyone can choose a book on Art. Keep your ticket. You can exchange it for a book. Text B. Hi mum! I’m gonna be late for dinner. We are going to stay at school until 7 pm. There is a football match here and we need to support our team, because it’s the final. We’ve got a good chance to win it. Don’t worry if I don’t answer my phone. It’ll be noisy so I may not hear it. I’ll call you as soon as the game over and don’t ask me about homework. I’ll do it later, I promise. Harry said he’d help me if I had any problems, but there won’t be any problems. See you later! Text C. -Excuse me! I left my umbrella in the shopping centre. -Oh, dear. We’ve got lots of lost things: phones, bags and even a vintage black and white TV-set. - Right, but I want to find out about… -Amazing! Last week ten gloves we (…). All different colours. - Yes, I understand but I need to get my umbrella back. It’s bright and noticeable. You can’t confuse it with anyone else’s. -Of course. What did you say it’s like? We found a large blue umbrella the other day. - No, it’s not mine. Mine has got red, pink and violet flower patterns and a white background. - ok! Let’s see.
Text D. - Hello, I’m Mark. How can I help you? - Hi, Mark, I’m Alice. I’d like to join your fitness centre. - of course. What activity do you enjoy? Swimming, aerobics, yoga or dancing? - Well, I don’t like swimming, aerobics is too exhausting and difficult. I prefer yoga. I’ve never practiced it before but I heard it’s good for a body and for the spirit. - yes, that’s right. I will include you in our class for beginners. - Yes, that’s fine. Do I have to bring my own yoga mat or you provide it here? - Wait a moment, Alice, I’ll introduce you to your instructor. She’ll explain everything.
Задание 2. Good afternoon! Today we have asked 5 people to give us a short interview and share their opinions about learning foreign languages. Now we would like to present their opinions to you.
Speaker A. I have to say that I find learning languages really very difficult but nevertheless I want to speak at least 2 or 3 foreign languages: French, Spanish and maybe Chinese. It’s necessary in today’s world where people travel a lot and communicate across countries. It’s also very good for a successful business if you are able to work with foreign partners and know their language and culture and can establish a contact with them.
Speaker B. In my opinion it’s so exciting to learn a foreign language. It’s so much fun to use all those techniques to memorize new words and I just love comparing the words and structures of my native language with foreign ones. I know many people find it so hard or even boring and monotonous but I don’t understand them. I really enjoy learning foreign languages. It’s the best way to spend your free time and I always feel enthusiastic after a language class.
Speaker C I don't know why so many people are interested in learning a foreign language I think it's the most monotonous task in the world so what about learning new words, making up unrealistic dialogues and reading texts it's just the nightmare it's the worst way to spend your time in my opinion I can find more exciting things to do. I’ll learn the foreign language if I need it for my future job which I hopewon’t never happen to me
Speaker D I believe that it is not very difficult to learn a foreign language as far as I know some students are able to communicate reasonably in a new language only a few weeks after they start to learn it they can explain what they need and some certain standard situations fairly well they make mistakes of course still I think minor pronunciation or grammar mistakes are not so important as long as you can express your thoughts and be understood by other speakers
Speaker E If you ask me, well, I think learning a foreign language is very hard. I can’t say that it is boring that's why I feel quite happy learning new words and reading texts in a foreign language I don't think it takes a long time either I mean the time investment is definitely worth it. it's just not very easy to make yourself work on a regular basis and you have to read a lot and be clever and have a good memory and make notes it's really hard
Вариант 2. Задание 1
Text A Dear guests! we are happy to welcome you to our hotel. this year we’ve got a surprise for you which is going to be particularly interesting for families with children. Now Along with splashing in the pool and seeing the aquarium with tropical fish our young guests can visit the place where we grow fruit and vegetables for our restaurant. Right behind our building there is a territory with a garden an enclosure with hens, ducks, rabbits and even a couple of goats.
Text B Hi Jane it's Amanda I'm calling to say that we had to change the date of my birthday party in the invitation it's written as the 14th of October which is Saturday but the weather forecast says it will be raining the whole day not very good for a garden party is it that's why we moved it to Sunday which promises to be a warm and sunny day the time is the same at 2 p. m. Call me on Friday evening to confirm that you are coming see you on Sunday
Text C Hello can I help you yes I need to buy a present for my nephew how old is he and what is he interested in He’s nine but most boys he likes playing with his dog, assembling Lego, drawing lots of other things How about a book about searching for a lost castle Sounds good but I gave a book for Christmas and he wasn't very impressed any other idea Well you mentioned Lego or a skateboard He’s already got both Then I would recommend this big set of paints Oh, I think this one I’m sure he’ll like it. where can I pay?
Text D Hey Kate I’m sorry James what did you say I didn't hear you Of course because you are wearing your headphones. What did you listen to? My Spanish course Cool! Your new hobby. It’s a shame I can’t speak any foreign languages. My brother is learning French even tries to write poems in French there's nothing to be ashamed of. Some people enjoy learning languages others are good at other things as for you.. you’ve got a great talent for roller skating I won’t argue. I won the first prize in city rollers competitions, by the way Congratulations
Задание 2 Good afternoon! Today we have asked 5 people to give us a short interview and share their opinions about life in big cities. Now we would like to present their opinions to you.
Speaker A Of course big cities can't boast many parks are fresh and clean air but life in a big city is certainly exciting you can watch new Blockbusters or theater performances or concerts of the best musicians. big cities have many museums concert halls and whatnot. I also enjoy the fast rhythm of big city life. people walking fast along the streets there's hustle and bustle everywhere. Cars Moving and beeping it's really fun.
Speaker B I live in a big city but I wish I could move to the countryside. my parents have good jobs here but they’re also dreaming of going freelance and living in the country. you see the air is very polluted in my city and the tap water is not drinkable either but it's hard to find a place to go for a walk which is certainly bad for health. we need to find a way out as long as we haven't developed any illnesses I think
Speaker C On the one hand big city life is interesting but on the other hand big cities are very noisy you can hear loud sounds from Cars moving along the streets even at night and you can easily become irritated because of it the fast lifestyle when you are always in a hurry also makes you annoyed and tired you become nervous and worried which is certainly not very good for you being in a bad mood all the time because of the noise is a reason for attention
Speaker D I do understand that life in the big city has a lot of minuses like bad ecology or a lot of stress but be perfectly frank I wouldn’t like to live anywhere else. I don’t think that countryside can offer many employment opportunities there are few work places that there and the salary is much lower than in big cities. I think that's a good reason to stay in the big city rather than move to the country
Speaker E Of course big cities offer better schools and jobs and more chances to attend concerts and theater plays but I still find life in a big city uninteresting and monotonous it's the same all the year round the colors around don't change it's the same routine every morning and every evening you go on the same buses all people in the street look grey and dull and busy. being busy doesn't mean living an exciting life I'd actually prefer to have more fun
Вариант3. Задание1 Text A I ‘d like to present some really good news. you know that our company has set up a computer club which is going to be free for anyone who wants upgrade their computer skills. to make a work effective we hold classes for young people aged 12 to 20 at Weekends. retired people are very welcome for Monday to Friday in the mornings, after that there will be a group for small kids. schoolchildren as I already said come on Saturday and Sunday
Text B Hey Jack it's Kathy I'm just calling to say sorry I didn't come to your birthday party yesterday because I had a very bad day it all started in the morning my dog buddy got very sick we took him to the hospital and he was operated on I waited there till I could take him home now everything is fine he's at home lying on my lap while I'm trying to concentrate on my math homework anyway I hope you had a great day. Sorry again and happy birthday for yesterday
Text C Mrs Smith did you want to see me Yes, Oliver, thanks for coming I just want to make sure you enjoy learning in our language school and that everything's fine. you don't have any relatives in this country as far as I know. No, I don’t are you happy with the place where you are staying Yes, but first I wanted to stay with a host family but there was a vacant room in the hostel. my friends and I decided to have a look and we stayed there Fine! do you cook for yourself in the shared kitchen or do you eat out We cook for ourselves. I can do it quite well. my mom taught me Really?
Text D Hey Jay I didn't expect to see you here at the photo exhibition I didn't know you were interested in photography No, Frank, I’m not but the exhibition is about the history of our town and I have to do a project on it I see. You’re collecting information for the project exactly Right. any plans for tonight I don't know yet it's cold and rainy nasty weather My sister says this sort of weather for knitting and drawing I hate both. What I like is making cakes, pies and biscuits Oh, cooking. It’s sounds more original than drawing and much tastier