Eyebrows. Forehead. Eyelashes. Character ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Legs Long, short, slender, shapely («точеные») Eyebrows Arched (дугой), bushy (густые), penciled (тонко очерченные), shaggy (косматые), to frown one’s eyebrows (хмурить); to raise one’s eyebrows Forehead Broad, doomed (выпуклый), high (tall) Hair Black, jet-black (черные как смоль), dark, brown, auburn (рыжевато-каштановые), fair (русые), blond, golden, red, reddish, grey, grizzling (седеющие), ash-blonde, thick, abundant (густые и длинные), scanty (thin), short, slick (smooth), silky, long, dyed, bobbed, bald (bald-headed), A brunette, a blond(e) Teeth Even (ровные), uneven, sparse (редкие), large, small (tiny) Chin Double, pointed, protruding (выдающийся), round, massive Eyes Kind, warm, blue, brown, dark, grey, steel-grey, hazel, bulging (навыкате), close-set, deep-set Eyelashes Curving (загнутые), straight, thick
Character Generous, kind, Meek and gentle Bright and good-tempered Warm-hearted; of a somewhat romantic nature; modest, grave, serious; A man of character; a man of no character; Cunning, dishonest, egoistic (selfish), Reserved and bottled-up; Careless and easy-going; Weak, characterless and full of prejudices False, shameless, hard-hearted; Bright, bold, calm, capable, cheerful, communicative, conscientious, decent, diligent, faithful, frank, noble, persistent, punctual, reasonable, resolute, strong-willed, Smart, tactful, well-bred, wise, witty; Absent-minded, double-faced, envious, greedy, haughty, hot-tempered, ill-mannered, impudent, jealous, lazy, mean, obstinate, rude, sluggish, sly, stingy, touchy, uncommunicative, weak-willed; A blockhead, a bore, a chatter-box, a coward, a dawdler, a lazy-bones, a liar, a nuisance, a loafer, a sleepyhead, a sweet-tooth