ROLE PLAY – ANGRY CUSTOMERСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
Role A
You are a customer who has bought a pair of very expensive shoes … but after three days you notice that the stitching is fraying and your expensive shoes now look as though you have had them for years. On top of that you have notice that the colour has suddenly started to fade.. and they are no longer the dark brown that you had a originally bought but almost tan.. and that looks terrible with your business suits.
You can not find the receipt for the shoes.. but you still have the bag and box in which the shop supplied them in
You are angry as you only bought these shoes three days ago. You decide to go back to the shop and get your money back. You have decided you don’t want any more shoes from this shop as you now don’t trust the quality.
Role B
You are the manager of a shop and have had a busy season selling some of the new lines sent in by your supplier. You have just had an email from your supplier saying that there has been a problem at the factory with one of the new tanning dies and that the colour in some shoes may fade. This problem has now been rectified but believe that some customers may be unhappy. The supplier has said that they are more than happy to replace any shoes brought back by customers for a new pair with the correct tanning agent.
You have already had five customers bring their shoes back and you have a pile of shoes now ready to be sent back for replacement.
You can not afford to give refunds on the shoes as you have your targets to reach set by your headoffice.. so you have to replace the shoes.