When should I apply for it?. How long does it last?. How much does it cost?. Why should Iapply for it?. When should I apply for it?. How long does it last?. How much does it cost?. Why should I apply for it?. When should I apply for it?. How long does it ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 When should I apply for it? On the day of the student registration at SU. How long does it last? It lasts during thewhole period of your studying at SU. How much does it cost? The expense depends on the length of your studying at SU. It costs you approximately 1, 000yen for one year; approximately 3, 300 yen for 4 years. Why should Iapply for it? Every student in Shizuoka University must apply for this insurance because it compensates the expenses for injuries from an accident happened during the academic year including when participating in off campuspracticumand extracurricular activities provided by SU.
GAKKENBAI - Liability Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research When should I apply for it? On the day of the student registration at SU. How long does it last? It lasts during thewhole period of your studying at SU. How much does it cost? The expense depends on the length of your studying at SU. It costs you approximately 340 yen for one year; approximately 1, 360 yen for 4 years. Why should I apply for it? Every student in Shizuoka University must apply for this insurance because it compensates the expenses for damaging property during the regular academic activities.
GAKUBAI - Personal Liability Insurance for Students When should I apply for it? At the University CO-OP after you complete the student registration procedure. How long does it last?? It lasts during thewhole period of your studying at SU. How much does it cost? The expense depends on the length of your studying at SU. It costs you approximately 1, 800 yen for one year. Why should I apply for it? Because this insurance compensates you for the liability incurred due to injuring a person or damaging another person’s property. Besides, the insurance company provides you out-of-court settlementservicein negotiating with a victim.