1. Подготовьте монологическое высказывание на тему: «Higher Education in Great Britain». ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Билет № 2 1. Подготовьте монологическое высказывание на тему: «Higher Education in Great Britain». 2. Составьте 5 типов вопросов к тексту. Additional education teacher I want to be the teacher of additional education, and it is not the accidental choice. I have always liked to play with small children, to teach them to do something new. Besides, I like dancing very much. At this age a child likes everything that he is doing. The abilities to certain types of activities, interests begin to be formed. To be the viewer and the assistant in this entertaining process gives me great pleasure. Understanding that I can reveal love and ability of children to dances at so early age, develop these abilities, give children the chance to do their favorite activities and to feel happiness, makes me a happy person as well. Additional education has its peculiarity: unlike the general and preschool education, additional education has no standards. It gives the chance, to choose a type of activity, independently make the program, to determine the content, forms and methods of education. It is a creative process allowing to realize the pedagogical ideas (the additional education teacher — the professional, the creator, the wizard). At the University, we go to a school practice where we organize after-hour events with the pupils of the 5th class, it allows me to know children and their preferences better. To create an environment in which it will be comfortable and interesting to gain new knowledge, achieve results, realize himself and feel successful, not to miss the best features in a child and help to realize them – it’s interesting. All this allows me to feel the importance and the demand of this profession. 1. Read the text 2. Ask questions of 5 types to the text.