4. Put the following events in the right order.4. Put the following events in the right order. ___ At the conference in Miami, Rebecca is introduced to a lot of people as the girl of the green scarf. ___ Rebecca and Luke dance in the street. ___ Luke tells Rebecca all about his family business. ___ Rebecca tells Luke Derek Smeath has been stalking her. ___ Rebecca and Luke go shopping for him. ___ Rebecca’s parents tell her they’ve spent all their savings. ___ At the biggest event magazine of ever Rebecca is asked to speak Finnish. ___ Luke tells Rebecca he doesn’t want to be defined by clothes or labels or family, since his mother belongs to New York socialite.
5. What does Luke choose in his “Prada” language? Tick the best answers. ___ a suit ___ a tuxedo size 46 ___ a tuxedo size 48 ___ a brown Vernice shoe in a size eight ___ a black Vernice shoe in a size ten ___ a white shirt 6. At the shopaholics’ meeting. Complete Rebecca´ s words: I mean, stores are put there to enjoy. The experience is enjoyable. It’s beautiful. The 1) _____________of silk, draped across a 2) ______________, Oh, the smell of new Italian 3) ________________shoes. The 4) _____________you feel when you swipe your card. And it’s approved. And it all 5)_______________ to you! The joy you feel when you’ve 6)__________________ something. All you have to do is hand over a card. Pull it together. Is there any other best 7) _________________in the world? And you feel so confident, alive, happy and … warm. feeling/ belongs/sheen /rush/ bought / mannequin/ leather
7. Who says …? 1. “I think that long legs are fatly overrated”. _____________________ 2. “Go home and write me an initial outline! ” ______________________ 3. “Rebecca Bloomwood was the most vivacious, funny, inspiring woman I have ever met. ” _____ 4. “Who knew that debt could be so much fun? ” ___________ 5. “Because when I shop, the world gets better! ” ___________ 6. “ You may not know this, but your appearance on that TV show has struck a nerve with many, many girls. They identify with you. Your column will be “ Affordable Fashion” ______________ 7. “Is she wearing my bridesmaid’s dress? ” _________________ 8. “Are you going to the Shopaholic’s Meeting? ” __________________ 9. “Dressing is like any worthwhile endeavour. It’s an art, but also a challenge. ” ______________ 10. Instead of a relationship with my credit card, I have a relationship with someone who loves me back. And never declines me. ” ______________ 11. “The beater on the phone was you! ” ________________