3. Rebecca and her friend Suze watch a video “Control your urge to shop” with Garrett E. Barton.
Confessions of a Shopaholic (Film)
Before Watching Answer the questions:
1) How do you feel when you shop?
2) Do you consider yourself a walking billboard?
3) What is a shopaholic?
While Watching 1) Fill in the table:
2) Answer the questions in your own words. 2. 1) “ When I was a little girl there were real prices and mom prices ”. What’s the difference between them?
2. 2. How does she feel when she sees shops?
2. 3 “When you see someone cute and he smiles, and your heart kind of goes like warm butter sliding down hot toast. Well, that’s what it’s like when I see a store. Only it’s better. You see, a man will never love you or treat you as well as a store. If a man doesn’t fit, you can’t exchange him seven days later for a gorgeous cashmere sweater… and a store always smell good! A store can awaken a lust of things you never even knew you needed. And when your fingers grasp those shiny, new bags …” What’s the comparison between men and shopping?
2. 4 What makes her stop before a shop window on her way to an interview?
2. 5 What does the mannequin seem to be telling her?
2. 6 She writes two letters. Who are they addressed to?
2. 7 How is the interview at successful saving?
2. 8 Why is that ironic that Rebecca took a job at a savings magazine?
3. Rebecca and her friend Suze watch a video “Control your urge to shop” with Garrett E. Barton. Read and watch the questions and suggestions given and fill in the blanks. - Do you find _______________ constantly drawn towards stores? - Does your heart ________________ when you see new merchandise in neatly stacked ______? - Did you answer “no” to these questions and are consequently in ______________? - Did you just say “no” ______________? - Step 1: De-clutter your ______________! Throw it all out! Just _________ it up and toss it! Simplicity and _____________ are your new watchwords! On you way to work, ignore the siren call of the store window. Your new _______________ is: “ Do I need this? ”