Announcements of PhD positions: ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Announcements of PhD positions:
Within two new research projects: Stability and functions of soil carbon in agroecosystems of Russia (CarboRus) and Sustainable land use in Arctic during global change: natural and anthropogenic stability factors (TerrArctic) ongoing at the State University of Tyumen (TyumGU) in collaboration with the Institute of Soil Science in Puschino we invite candidates for 6 PhD positions starting from September 1, 2021. The projects focus on carbon sequestration in agricultural, abandoned and degraded soils of Russia, soil and ecosystems recovery after degradation, the stability of sequestered C, its microbial availability, biochemistry and organic matter turnover. The projects combine field and laboratory studies in various ecosystems in Russia. Application of isotopes for flux tracing, enzyme activities, microbial analyses, various soil fractionation approaches and incubation studies are planned. The successful candidates should be engaged for soil and environmental sciences, and should have Master (MsC, Magister, Diploma) degree and excellent background at least in two of: soil science, geoecology, molecular biology, environmental biochemistry, soil microbiology or chemistry, or other biogeosciences. Free English in speaking and writing is a prerequisite. The positions are financed for 3 years and should lead to preparation of scientific publications and defense of PhD thesis. Later positions of postdoc or staff at TyumGU are possible. The salary is 70, 000 Rub/month (health insurance is included), the dormitory at TyumGU can be provided. Participation in national and international conferences, bonuses for excellent publications as well as qualification trips abroad are possible. Please send your application to Prof. Yakov Kuzyakov (ykuzyakov@yandex. com) until August 25, 2021.