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People’s shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than any other factors. It is argued that, the shopping habit of people depends more on age group which they are included in than other factors. However, I tend to believe the opposite. Of the other factors which have a greater role than age group, advertisement stands first. For example, advertising companies have a detailed account of the general likes and dislikes of the people living in a particular geographical area or those who follow a specific culture. Making use of the most feasible marketing strategy, for instance, by presenting celebrities as brand ambassadors or by giving lucrative promotional offers like discounts and festive offers, these companies can persuade almost everyone to be their customers. Another crucial factor which influences the purchasing habit of a customer is the price of the product or service. In most cases, there would be an increasing demand when the product is sold or a service is availed at a reasonable cost. This trend is seen both in case of a customer who has an average purchasing capacity and in case of an affluent one. For example, an increasing demand of products is seen when discounts are announced, and stagnation in sales occur when it is withdrawn. I have to admit that age is a significant factor that influences the shopping habit of people as there are specific situations when a huge disparity is observed between the age extremes. This is especially true in case of fashion and electronic gadgets like smartphones. However, in recent years the bridge is getting narrower. To conclude, even though age appears to be a cardinal factor in making people decides whether or not to buy a product or service, I believe there are other factors like adverts and cost which have a greater influence in deciding this.