Swearing in English: Language FocusSwearing in English: Language Focus 1) Fuck me! - This expression has two meanings. The first meaning is “have sex with me”, e. g. (said by a girl) “He wants to fuck me. ” The second meaning is used to express exasperation. Exasperation is a feeling of anger because you can’t do anything about a situation. The situation is futile; it can’t be helped. Your car won’t start and there’s nothing you can do but say ‘fuck me. ’ 2) Screw (verb)– As a verb, screw is a synonym of fuck. You can say, “Screw you! / Screw off / I screwed her. ” Generally speaking, the word screw is not as strong as the word fuck. 3) Cunt (noun) – This is one of the worst words in English. It is a very rude way to describe a woman’s vagina. It is also used to describe people (usually women) who are jerks. E. g. “Why is she being such a cunt? ” The word is popular (but offensive) nowadays. 4) Fucking (adverb/adjective) – Adding the word fucking before a noun or verb makes the sentence stronger. “My teacher gave me extra homework. ” = “My fucking teacher fucking gave me extra fucking homework. ” Swearing in English: Phrasal Verb Focus 1) To fuck up sth = to mess something up; to ruin sth (make sth good become bad). “The new software fucked up my computer. / My ex-girlfriend fucked up my life. ” 2) To fuck with sb = to mess/interfere with sb/sth; to play a trick/joke on someone. “A: Bob said he was gay, but he was just fucking with you. He’s not really gay. ” / “Don’t fuck with me. I’m in a gang. ” Swearing in English: Master the language: Connect the below ideas to make a sentence.
(Pg 1. Answers: penis words = dick, dickhead, prick. Darn it = damn it. What the heck = What the [hell/fuck], Oh my gosh = Oh my god. )